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Thread: Issue with Nokia 5800 Xm firmware upgrade

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Issue with Nokia 5800 Xm firmware upgrade

    I have a Nokia 5800 Xm mobile phone and the problem is with firmware upgrade. After the device is been upgraded with the new firmware the internet explorer open to full screen automatically. I do not know what could have caused this but this is not my preference. Please do help me out so that you can make the issue to be sorted. Hope to get the desired thing to be sorted and work well as needed. It will be better.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Issue Nokia 5800 Xm firmware upgrade

    In order to get the thing which will be better. You need to check out that is by getting the fresh install of the application of the firmware. This will be better for you. Do check out and function as needed. I hope this will really make the changes to be processed and work as needed. So in order to check for the change it is necessary that you do process well by functioning as needed. It will be better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Issue Nokia 5800 Xm firmware upgrade

    There is another way through which you can make the change to be functioned well. All you need to do is to check out by functioning or getting the desired aspect to be processed and work well. You need to make the aspect to be worked which will be better for you. So in order to get the desired thing to be processed you need to reinstall the firmware and then make the things to be implemented. It will be better for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Issue Nokia 5800 Xm firmware upgrade

    There is another way through which you can make the changes to be functioned well and process. All you need to check that is needed. You need to process well that is essential and get it worked. Contact the Nokia support care and make the change which will be better for you. It will be better and you can then make the desired change to be processed and function. hope this may help you well for the same.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Issue Nokia 5800 Xm firmware upgrade

    I would suggest you to get the issue to be processed well and it is necessary that you do check out for the same which will be better for you to get the issue and work as needed. i hope this will be better for you and get it functioned in order to be worked. This is the best way through which you can make the essential aspects to be processed and work. So do look out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Issue with Nokia 5800 Xm firmware upgrade

    You can get the new fresh copy of the firmware from Nokia's official site page. So in order to get the desired aspect to be implememted you need to work. So check out on Nokias offical site and then install the new pack of the fiormware. It will be better and you can thus make the desired aspect to be changed well which is essential. So check out.

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