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Thread: Facebook and Twitter client install from BES

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Facebook and Twitter client install from BES

    I have been asked to give the impression of being into pushing the Facebook app and a Twitter client out to a number of our BES users. I have comprise and scoured the Internet additional than cannot locate the .cod or .alx files anywhere (which is what I am assuming I necessitate to push this out via a policy.) Am I going regarding this wrong. Or be able to these apps simply be installed by the client apparatus. I be familiar with this is off topic and be able to ignore this post additional than in view of the fact that when did Facebook and Twitter become Business applications. If I was the Senior BES Admin for the company I would set the IT policy to ban them from installing and anybody who complained would get a piece of my mine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Facebook and Twitter client install from BES

    Did you finish up finding a method to push the app using a BES server. I desire to do the similar. The reason that this is a business submission is that social networking is an significant part of communicating by means of the community and an effectual marketing tool for Gen Yes. The similar steps apply for the HH OS. Download and install the handheld OS on the BES and go subsequent to the on top of. Complete the following tasks for the suitable version or description of BlackBerry Enterprise Server to install third-party submissions on the BlackBerry smartphone in excess of the wireless network.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Facebook and Twitter client install from BES

    The BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.0 to 4.1. You have to absolute the following steps to generate and share the application folder: In <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files, you have to right hit it off the Research in Motion folder. Then you have to hit it off Properties. After that you have to the Sharing tab. Then you have to hit it off Share this folder. Then you have to select Permissions. Then beneath the permit column, clear the entire of the options except Read. Then you have to hit it off Close. Make a note of if you prefer to not contribute to a directory on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, install the most present version or description of BlackBerry Device Software on any workstation and then complete the preceding steps on that workstation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Facebook and Twitter client install from BES

    If you are using for the third party then you have to follow the steps to index the third-party application: On the host system in <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion, generate a folder called Shared. In the collective folder, generate a folder called Applications. In the Applications folder, generate a folder for every third-party submission that is to be sent to the BlackBerry smartphone. Copy the third-party submission files (moreover the ALX or COD files) into their individual folders. From a command prompt, find the way to <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Research in Motion\Apploader. Type loader.exe /index and press ENTER. In <drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Applications\<application name>, create certain that the pkgdbcache.xml files and requirement.pkg files exist. Make a note of: When indexing the submission files, it is significant to maintain the directory arrangement predictable by the ALX file.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Facebook and Twitter client install from BES

    The previous directory arrangement point toward that Cognos 8 go. Mobile software for BlackBerry Device Software 4.0.2 and 4.1.0 is positioned in the 4.0.2 directory. When working with loader.exe /index, the loader.exe tool goes to the following folder arrangement. \shared\applications\cognos client\ and give the impression of being for COD files beneath the 4.0.2 folder. If this folder is not originate, the application software in software configuration does not comprise the Cognos 8 go. Mobile software. In the previous illustration, the Cognos 8 go! Mobile software is extracted to ..\shared\applications\Cognos client\Client\rim\4.0.2. For the software arrangement to be victorious, the COD files be supposed to be extracted to \shared\applications\Cognos client\4.0.2.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Facebook and Twitter client install from BES

    If you desire to generate software arrangement then you be able to try this. For BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.0, establish the BlackBerry Handheld arrangement Tool. For BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1, open BlackBerry Manager and hit it off BlackBerry Domain on the left. Then you have to hit it off the Software arrangement (or arrangements) tab. After that you have to hit it off Add innovative arrangement. Then you have to type a name for the software arrangement. Subsequent to hit it off click the Change button next to Device Software Location. Type \\<hostname>\Research in Motion . The BlackBerry apparatus Software and the Applications folder are supposed to come into view in the register. You have to modify the Delivery field to wireless as an alternative of wire line merely for the software package to be pushed out over the wireless network.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Facebook and Twitter client install from BES

    To generate or assign an submission control policy. To assign an obtainable submission control policy, execute the following steps. In the Software Configurations window, hit it off the submission you desire to deploy. From the Policy drop-down register, hit it off the name of the submission control policy you desire to assign to the application. To generate an innovative submission control policy, execute the following, hit it off the Software Configurations (or Configurations) tab. Then you have to hit it off Manage Application Policies. Then you have to hit it off innovative and type a name for the submission control policy in the Name field. Subsequent to that hit it off the Disposition field and click required. Click OK, and then click OK the entire in excess of again. From the Software Configurations (or Configurations) tab, hit it off the submission. Then you have to hit it off the name of the submission control policy from the Policy drop-down register.

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