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Thread: Information about Garmin GPS Map-76

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Information about Garmin GPS Map-76

    I am newbie to the Garmin devices. I have never used any other before, so having much idea about it. Now I am expecting some help from your side. I want you guys to inform me about the Garmin GPS Map-76. Please provide me detailed information about the features and technical specifications about the Garmin GPS Map-76. Help me as immediate as you can.!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Information about Garmin GPS Map-76

    For those who need a GPS that is designed to be worn or to be used. Well suited for hiking, climbing and backcountry adventures. Has an internal antenna which is desirable for activities where an external antenna would get in the way. This unit is somewhat heavy, weighing in at 7.6 ounces.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Information about Garmin GPS Map-76

    You can set your projection work in the GPS receiver. By cons, there will always work in the same area if you do not want any problems. The GPS of the Department have not lived projection set. They are geographical and the position is displayed in degrees, minutes and seconds. When transferring your data to the computer, you can choose the projection in which you want to work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Information about Garmin GPS Map-76

    It displays your speed, altitude, the estimated accuracy, receiver status, the position of satellites, the accuracy of satellite signals, the date, time and the current position of GPS.
    • AutoLocate: force the receiver to search each individual satellite.
    • Acquiring satellite: looking for satellites. The receiver remains in this mode until it did not find 3 satellites.
    • 2D GPS Location: the receiver receives the signal from 3 satellites. It can give a position but not altitude.
    • 3D GPS Location: the receiver receives the 4 satellite signals. It may give your position and altitude.
    • 2D Differential localization: the receiver uses differential data DGPS or WAAS satellites 3. A "D" appears in and above the bar level for each satellite with the differential corrected.
    • 3D Differential localization: the receiver uses differential data DGPS or WAAS satellites 4. A "D" appears in and above the bar level for each satellite with the differential corrected.
    • Satellite reception lost: GPS receiver indicates that the `lost reception satellites.
    • Simulated navigation: GPS 76 runs in simulation mode. Antenna the receiver is disabled. Press Menu and choose "Start Simulator".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Information about Garmin GPS Map-76

    The GPS Map Garmin Topo France is the ideal complement of Garmin GPS with memory map for the practice of outdoor activities (hiking, cycling / mountain biking, etc. ..) Software and maps "GPS Topo" represent a range of Garmin mapping software IGN for transferring maps from land IGN data from a PC to a Garmin GPS with map memory. The use of topographic mapping "GPS Garmin Topo" with a Garmin GPS is on the ground for localization and navigation. "GPS Garmin Topo" is the right tool for all hikers and professionals wishing to prepare their walking routes and field trips. On your PC, you simply set your ride data (waypoints, routes and tracks) and then transfer these items to your Garmin GPS, as well as parallel cartographic GPS Topo to the memory of your Garmin GPS.

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