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Thread: MacBook Pro Docking station

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    MacBook Pro Docking station

    I have a apple macbook pro and would like to see that if I can connect a docking station to it. If you have any idea about it then please let me know. One more question what is the exact working of the docking station. Any additional information on the docking station is appreciated. Thank you for your help,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: MacBook Pro Docking station

    One tip if you are using a docking station, when your MacBook is closed, you can take it out of standby using an external keyboard or mouse. Otherwise, there InsomniaX which helps prevent the beast from going to sleep. I think you should use the docking station because it has many features and is good for macbook pro's battery life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: MacBook Pro Docking station

    This dock offers six USB ports, two FireWire 800 ports, one FireWire 400 port eStats, an Ethernet port, a memory card reader, and even a DVI video output. It is unclear what graphics chip is used to allow use of an additional screen. This is not all Deskbook Pro includes two bays that allow named ModBay either add two 500GB hard drives or a hard drive and an additional battery. In the future, the manufacturer will also market iMod, a dock that plugs into the ModBay and will recharge an iPod or iPhone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: MacBook Pro Docking station

    I think this is expensive and not really what we think of as a docking station. The problem is sort of, what to do with the connection for the docking station. Due to the construction of the Books is the back which is commonly used out of the question because the display is there. Laterally not really much space is because since before all connections are already located (at least in the MBP, the MB, the disk drive). A proper docking station would be nice, but in the near future.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: MacBook Pro Docking station

    There is a docking station for macbook both in osx as well as under windows is running? If you have any of the docking stations then please let me know what do you use to connect.

    Important is were the following connections:
    - Usb
    - Net-work
    - And may still sound

    Any idea is welcome.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: MacBook Pro Docking station

    So, after the description is the only "advantage" that you have to disconnect instead of every single cable from the Book. A bit exaggerated, because before I put $ 160 (approx) on the table must be for this "luxury," I would rather prefer my 3 cables out individually. But to stay on topic: No, I have no experience with something, yet I can give recommendations similar accessories. The thing is absolutely new to me and somewhat mysterious.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: MacBook Pro Docking station

    Docking Stations are something practical if you do it right. Unfortunately, Apple does not stop something like before, so this is BookEndz half a forced thing. For other manufacturers, including IBM, rear or bottom of the book is one long connector for a docking station. This is the mass of cables (monitor, USB, audio) really practical.

  8. #8
    RiverCityJunction Guest

    Re: MacBook Pro Docking station

    He Elizabeth, check out Henge Docks. They make a pretty neat dock that's very affordable. Here's a link:

    Only possible downside is that I'm not sure whether or not you can use the card reader/expresscard slot. Even still, it's pretty cool!

    Lemme know what you think!
    Peace - J
    Last edited by Maqbool; 26-08-2010 at 11:39 PM. Reason: External links not allowed, not even in signatures. Removed the same.

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