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Thread: E72 - Contacts quick search doesn't work correctly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    E72 - Contacts quick search doesn't work correctly

    Hello friends,
    In recently I have successfully synchronized all the 1,500 contacts of the Outlook with Nokia E72. But one problem is occurred. Quick search in Contacts application doesn't work. It shows only few contact even if I type correct contact name. I don't know where they disappeared. I don't know why in E72 - Contacts quick search doesn't work correctly? Please help me to fix this problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: E72 - Contacts quick search doesn't work correctly

    I also had the same problem. I use following steps to fix this problem. I think you also try these steps.
    1.You have to just remove "Remote search server" which is set to none.
    2. After removing this none value from it you will able to synchronized your contact.
    You can find this "Remote search server" in the following ways.
    First open "contact list" -> now go to the Options -> now go to the setting option ->Now go to the "Remote search server".
    "Me fail English!? That unpossible!"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: E72 - Contacts quick search doesn't work correctly

    Hey I also have the same problem, then I use following steps tom get rid out of this problem. I think you also use these steps to fix this problem.
    1.First try to close all the running process of this application using Task Manger.
    2.Now restart your all contacts.
    3.After this you will not get any problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: E72 - Contacts quick search doesn't work correctly

    You have to use following steps to get rid out of this problem.
    1.You have to first add Search option to your homepage if you have removed it.
    2.Now click on the Search from homepage.
    3.Now go to the options and then go to the settings.
    4.Now verify Your country.
    5.Now select only to search from "Contacts" from the Searchservices.
    6.After this missing contacts will reappear in the search.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: E72 - Contacts quick search doesn't work correctly

    I think you are getting such type of problem due to the Mfe synchronizations. It meas that you are assign Mfe to the "Remote search server" and that's why you are getting such type of problem. In this case just just change this value with "none". So that "Remote search server" will have "none" value. After this you will not get any problem.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: E72 - Contacts quick search doesn't work correctly

    Hey as per your suggestion I change the value of "Remote search server" to none and instead of resolving problem, I get more problem like I am having problem in quick search on the desktop, quick search on Contacts, Quick search on Nokia Messaging. After frustrating I upgrade my mobile with new one and it help me to fix this problem. I think you also upgrade your mobile phone.

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