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Thread: Asus A6000 Keyboard Problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Asus A6000 Keyboard Problem

    Hello, I am having an ASUS A6000 laptop in my home. It is having a naff keyboard. And now I want to remove older keyboard from Asus A6000 and make use of the new one. I have tried to do so, by making use of the releasing 3 catches along the top, but I am not able to remove the keyboard out. If you are having any solution from which I will able to remove it and replace the older one. Then please help me to get the solution.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Asus A6000 Keyboard Problem

    Hello, I think you must need to make use of the Service Center of the Acer for this problem. As if you make use of the service center you will able to get the problem solved without any problem. So, just use it and get your problem solved. I have also performed it and they have replaced my older keyboard with new one withing a small time of interval. So, just make use of it and you will get solved your problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Asus A6000 Keyboard Problem

    Hello, Simply lift up your Keyboard with the three sides and then you will able to get the solution for your problem. It will simply come out and then you can set overthere your new keyboard and solve your problem. But, while performing all of this you need to turn off your Laptop and get your problem solved without any other problem. So, use it and solve your problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Asus A6000 Keyboard Problem

    Hello, you can simply remove the older keyboard and add other new one on your laptop. I would suggest you to make use of the Toomly keyboard for your Asus A6000. It is Compatible for your ASUS A6000. It is having following details:
    • Part Number: K030662M2
    • P/N: 04GNA53KUSA4 (US Standard)
    • Model NO.: Asus A6000 series
    • Standard: ROHS CE
    • Company: Toomly Industry Company Limited

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Asus A6000 Keyboard Problem

    Hello, if you want to change your older keyboard with the newer one then you need to follow the steps below:
    • Simply turn off your Asus A6000.
    • Now you need to Lift up your laptop keyboard from the minimum three sides.
    • It will come out.
    • Now you can add newer one overthere.
    • Just press the new keyboard.
    • Now start your laptop.

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