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Thread: Problem while changing wallpaper in Samsung Star

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Problem while changing wallpaper in Samsung Star

    Hello Friends, I have taken new samsung star s5233. I have some wallpapers in my computer and want to set that wallpapers to the mobile screen. But when I tried to apply these wallpaper, the wallpaper is stretched. Since there are 3 desktops in it, either the wallpaper stretches to 3 desktops. Can anybody help me in this condition? I am waiting for your reply.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Problem while changing wallpaper in Samsung Star

    Hi, I had getting the same problem as you when I bought it. After that I search for the same on different sites but unable to find anything. But, when I did R&D myself, I come to know that If you Open the image you want to set as wallpaper, go to edit option -> crop -> cut it to a reasonable size and save. Now open the cropped image and apply as wallpaper. While doing this you need to tap your finger such a way that the image is zoomed and it should fit into the boundary and apply. I have tried this and it is working for me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Problem while changing wallpaper in Samsung Star

    Hi, I am not having the Samsung Star mobile. But my friend has bought it and got same problem of wallpaper. Then he download wallpapers and opened one using Paint application and other 2 which ever he choose from Edit, then Paste from and save the 3 together. And then he download to the mobile and used it as the Wallpaper. So, I think you also need to do same thing. So, try by yourself to do this and then you will able to set the wallpaper as you want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Problem while changing wallpaper in Samsung Star

    Hi, I think the problem you are getting while changing wallpaper in Samsung Star is due to the problem of resolution I say. As you are getting problem while setting the wallpaper it may due to the resolution of the particular image. Try to crop that image. And then save that image. And try to use it. I think the resolution of 720x400px Image is right resolution for your samsung star mobile wallpaper image. Just use this and if you getting error then reply me back.

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