I have just bought a used vaio and want it restored to factory settings, I have vaio laptop (pcg-k415b) back up disk but didnt do anything when i put it in so what now?
I have just bought a used vaio and want it restored to factory settings, I have vaio laptop (pcg-k415b) back up disk but didnt do anything when i put it in so what now?
Sony Vaio usually installs the file system directly on your computer.
1. Click on "Start" and then "Vaio Central" a window opens.
2. Click on "Support", then "recovery."
Hope this helps!
To Restore Sony Vaio to Factory Default Settings :
1. Go to Start - Settings.
2. Then go to Control Panel
3. Then under system. there you will find a dialog box System Restore. click it.
5. Click the option, restore the factory settings.
You can restore the Sony Vaio factory default settings by:
1. BIOS settings (Press F2 at the VAIO logo, when turned on) to
Boot to the CD-ROM/DVD drive first.
2. Then boot with the bootable CD recovery.
3. Choose the option to make a full recovery (ie retrieve the
partition and
4. then restore the C: \ and D: \ "units" on the hard drive).
Follow the instructions to insert the Recovery CD Other / DVDs, as necessary.