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Thread: Whats the most powerful handheld device

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Whats the most powerful handheld device

    Can anyone tell me whats the most powerful handheld device? I have been trying to find it on internet but the results shows me only one good device and none other listed. The device is from 'Pandora' which has the fast-growing homebrew scene teeming with excitement. Are'nt there any other devices?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Whats the most powerful handheld device

    Yes, currently Pandora pmp is the most powerful handheld device all over the world and quite expensive too. Refer to this similar topic for more information: Pandora pmp for homebrew and emulation

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Whats the most powerful handheld device

    One of the most advanced WiMAX-enabled handheld device is Samsung Mondi in terms of mobile phones. The Samsung Mondi can harness upload and download speeds that double comparable devices running on 3G networks while taking advantage of the widespread connectivity of Mobile WiMAX. The Mondi is also equipped with WiFi, allowing users to keep strong wireless connections while working outside designated Mobile WiMAX markets.
    "Me fail English!? That unpossible!"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Whats the most powerful handheld device

    The Pandora, is an amazing peice of tech for any and all nerds, over the years there's been few Linux portables (android looking to be mostly a dissapointment) in recent years, let alone one with gaming + keyboard controls that is cheaper than a number of netbooks. The only thing that bugs me about the Pandora is the wait which is killing me.

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