If you believe this behind-the-scenes information, the future generation of iPhone will be provided with OLED-displays! Of course, to take at face value written pitchforks on the water was at least silly, but there is a rumor it is a credible ground.

Last year, Apple has agreed with LG on the supply of display matrices of unknown size and type, and amount of the contract amounted to half a billion dollars, and end of term deliveries timed to 2013.
If Apple will stick to the traditional calendar of announcements, the details of the third ruler in the iPhone, we learn as early as June. Ways to further improve rail filling devices before Apple seems a little bit - affected by the fixed dimensions and a small capacity of the shell.

Expect a slight improvement in the camera, some positive developments in the field of wireless data transmission protocols and navigation in the best case - a slight increase of memory and processor clock frequency. Replacing LCD screen on the OLED-element not only extend the lifetime of the battery (with much!), But will make the new iPhone yet tonsche, a vector of development, seems to be Apple's something of a tradition.
To date, no data, at least indirectly refute the possibility of equipping the new iPhone displays based on OLED-technology. Therefore, a great and pleasant surprise is not excluded.