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Thread: Reset Blackberry 8820

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Reset Blackberry 8820

    Does anyone have a idea how you can reset a Blackberry 8820 so that he is like the factory settings? I can find nothing. I would like to wipe any personal information like contacts, e-mail account etc.

    Thanks in advance,
    "Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do". - Voltaire

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Reset Blackberry 8820

    it it easy to reset BlackBerry 8820

    Here is the step by step:

    1. Go to the Options on your Blackberry device.
    2. Go to Security Options
    3. Go to General Settings
    4. Choose the options by clicking the click wheel or menu button and select Wipe Handheld.
    5. Confirm you want to wipe the handheld by clicking on the "Continue" button. The message is "Warning, all application data will be lost! Message service and other services will be disabled."
    6. The device will prompt you to type in the word "blackberry." Type in "blackberry" and confirm.
    7. The handheld will wipe itself of all information. In some cases after 10 minutes the hourglass will still run. After 10 minutes, pull your battery and restart your Blackberry.

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