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Thread: Apple 3G iPhone with the Keyboard

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Apple 3G iPhone with the Keyboard

    I has photo of iphone , endowed with "real" keyboard. Which is to join a normal mobile phone keypad and even wrote a special software that provides this odd couple.

    I know that the main disadvantage of iPhone is the lack of physical keyboard, so it is understandable reasons for the creation of this enhancement, although it looks a bit strange. For example, many users do not buy game console Xbox, standard joystick, while the alternatives as usual so far not.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Apple 3G iPhone with the Keyboard

    Input from the keyboard, no way to tell the software keyboard.
    Japanese input to the current situation in the application of the unique features of the Japanese input will need to be put.
    and the PSION and Jmemo hp 100LX/200LX, Kedit, Ng + skkfep to feel.

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