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Thread: NTT DoCoMo Gets Sony Ericsson SO-01A

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    NTT DoCoMo Gets Sony Ericsson SO-01A

    DoCoMo recently gave the post of SO-01A!? By Sony Ericsson in the illustration, images and other contents of the register was a little more.

    Description: Design a book of articles relating to goods, such as music playback capability with a wireless phone. The items, flip-style operation with the Ministry of the panel, part of the operation panel, through the hinge side of both front and rear can be located. The use of goods, the control panel to the Ministry of the manipulate part配****A buttons and a light-emitting display body part appears to refer to the Ministry of key operations in touch, articles do this.

    [Description] The operation of a design panel to help move the front view of the state, the operation panel to help move the plan view of the state, the control panel, the State Department moved to the bottom of the reference figure, the operation will move panel See chart on the right side of the state and moved operations to state panel on the left side of the reference in the shaded portion, with a translucent. In an oblique reference chart on the back of the grid work pattern is clear.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    the Sony Ericsson SO-01A from NTT DoCoMo, and this candybar handset features a flip-style form factor that will feature different functions depending on the way you're using it at the moment

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    On one side we have a regular keypad and a smaller display, but turn the phone over to the other side and you're greeted with what looks like a full touch screen display. Guess getting a protective case for this handset is going to get rather tricky.

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