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Thread: Xun Chi 138 - World’s Smallest Phone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Xun Chi 138 - World’s Smallest Phone

    The Xun Chi 138 is unbelievably small for a cell phone - heck, it is slightly longer when compared to an AA battery. Despite its liliputian proportions, the Xun Chi 138 comes with a 1.3 megapixel camera, a touch screen display (!), handwriting recognition, and MP3 playback.The phone measures only 7cm in length and it is only 55g in weight and it looks like Toshiba’s 803.Though small, the phone is powerful .Music playback function, GPRS, USB connectivity and handwriting recognition.

    It has room for 300 contacts including mobile, home, work & fax numbers, company name, email address and birthday. You can also link a picture, video, and / or sound file to play back when a particular person calls you.

    Available in blue or pink colors. Includes 2 batteries, stylus, handsfree earbuds w/ mic & mute button, USB cable, 100-240V AC charger w/ adapter as needed for your country, and Chinese manual (English manual is available digitally). Six month warranty. Please note that this phone does not include Bluetooth or Java support!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Whether you want a phone this small (and thus, so easy to lose) is open to question, but if you do fancy a handset you can slip into the coin pocket of your jeans, you'll be pleased to know that this model packs in most of the basics

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