Poll: Will you buy Samsung Galaxy Edge

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Thread: Will you buy Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Will you buy Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

    Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is out in the market and cost around Rs.65000 approx. I want to know whether you are willing to spend such a high amount on this kind of model. In India when we see the mobile market we are already having tons of models that are wroth and are under budget. And there are also some good high end models which are still cheaper. I think it would be a better to go with the iPhone series instead of Samsung Galaxy Note Edge. This is just an very costly phone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Will you buy Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

    It depends on buyers. Some are really crazy about the gadgets and they go blindly buying high end phone without worrying much about the price. But I am quiet sure that it is hard for Samsung to beat Apple. Apple has a big market share and they always break huge records whenever they are releasing their mobile models. Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is an exclusive product. It is not fair to say that it will compete with mid range or high end smartphones in the market.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Will you buy Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

    The cost of this phone is high because of its curved display. It is the first phone to have this kind of screen quality. But if you check the internal specification then there are already cheaper alternative available in the market. I will quiet prefer to go with Note 3 compare to this one. I do not really think the curve display will be helping a lot here. But it is a good phone and it will be only suitable for those who are willing to pay exclusively. iPhone series is quiet different product line.

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