Poll: Most popular programming language

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Thread: Most popular programming language

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Most popular programming language

    What do you think which is the most popular programming language.
    Here is a brief description provided for few language.

    - C is a programming language requirement designed for system programming. Invented in the early 1970s with Unix.
    - C became one of the most used languages. Many modern languages like C++ , Java and PHP repeat aspects of C.
    - C is called low-level language in the sense that it is designed to allow direct manipulation of machine words . It offers a range of types integer and floating types that correspond directly supported by the processor.
    - There is also extensive use of memory addresses with the concept of pointer.

    C++ :
    - C++ is a programming language for programming in multiple paradigms such as procedural programming , the object-oriented programming and programming credits.
    - C++ is currently the 3rd most used language in the world (a report says)
    - Bjarne Stroustrup developed C + + during the 1980s , while working in the research lab Bell of AT & T . It was in this case to improve the C language.

    Some features are
    - statements recognized as instructions (included in C99);
    - operators "New" and "delete" for managing memory allocation;
    - type of data bool(boolean);
    - the references ;
    - keyword constto define constants (shown by C in the late 1980s );
    - functions inline(listed in C99);

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Most popular programming language

    Java :
    - The language Java is a programming language computer -oriented object created by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton
    - The Java language was the main feature that software written with it are easily portable on multiple operating systems such as UNIX , Microsoft Windows , Mac OS or GNU / Linux with little or no modification. This is the platform that ensures the portability of applications developed in Java.
    - The language incorporates much of the syntax of the language C + + , widely used by computer. However, Java has been purified the most subtle concepts of C + + and both the most confusing, such as pointers and references, and multiple inheritance replaced by implementing interfaces.

    - PHP is a scripting language used mainly for producing dynamic Web pages via an HTTP server 3, but can also function as any interpreted language in a local way, by running online programs command.
    - PHP is an imperative language with since version 5 features complete object model 5. Due to its rich library, sometimes referred to as a PHP platform more than just language.
    - PHP is used mainly as a server-side scripting language , which means that the server, which will interpret the PHP code and generate code (consisting generally of ' XHTML or HTML , the CSS and possibly Javascript ) which can be interpreted by a browser .
    - PHP can also generate other formats in connection with the Web, such as WML , the SVG , the PDF format , or bitmap images such as JPEG , GIF or PNG.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Most popular programming language

    - Visual Basic. Net is a programming language with syntax similar to Visual Basic 6.
    - These two languages are fairly similar in practice as the change between them is enormous. The main change is undoubtedly the introduction of object orientation in the language.
    - VB.NET allows you to develop . NET via Visual Studio , that is to say only on Windows operating systems (98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7).
    - There is however a project to bring the DotNet platform (and therefore VB.NET) under Linux , OS and OpenBSD . This project is called Mono and it is already possible to run native applications. NET 2.0.

    - Python is a programming language interpreted multi- paradigm . It promotes the imperative programming structured and object oriented .
    - It has a dynamic typing box , automatic management of memory through garbage collection and a system exception handler , so it's similar to Perl , Ruby , Scheme , Smalltalk and Tcl.
    - Python language is under a free license similar to the BSD license and runs on most computing platforms, from supercomputers to mainframes , from Windows to Unix via Linux and MacOS with Java or .NET.
    - It is designed to maximize programmer productivity by providing tools for high-level syntax and simple to use.

    You can add description about any programming language that you feel is popular. Also do not forget to vote.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I think that Java is the most popular and the most loved language in the industry area. As you can see that many of the web application are build on J2EE which are the most powerful application on web. Also, if you see that android the new mobile operating system which is gaining fast publicity is written in java. So, I feel that currently java is the most popular language.

    I will go with Ruby. Ruby is an interpreted programming language created by Yukihiro object-oriented "Matz" Matsumoto. He became popular especially with the arrival of the famous Ruby on Rails Web framework. Ruby is an interpreted language, fully object-oriented, and multi platform. Ruby can use a scripting language just like Perl or other, but its recent growth is mainly due to the appearance of Ruby on Rails, a web framework based on Ruby extremely powerful.

    Pocket Programming Language (PPL) is a powerful program to develop games, demos and special field of application for Windows and other mobile platforms. Instead of taking months to develop powerful games, Pocket Programming Language, you made a few hours. The program is not intended only for professionals, it is also aimed at beginners who want to start designing games. PPL uses the language Pascal, Basic and C # for programming. It is also used in windows mobile programming.

    I think the most famous is the Assembly language. Assembly language is very close to machine language, that is to say the language used by the computer information in binary , is 0s and 1s. It depends greatly on the type of processor. Thus there is no assembly language, assembly language, but a type of processor. It is therefore necessary to know a minimum operating a processor to be able to address this part.

    I think Delphi is also a good solution.Compilers and development environments are free (under certain mild conditions). We can begin by doing small shell programs in Pascal and then move (after learning the concept of object) to something more beefy with a graphic environment with Delphi. The language is relatively intuitive, rigorous, the creation of simple graphical interface, you can quickly indulge.

    For me the object language for excellence, I am talking about smalltalk. Free, simple syntax, it imposes a strict unmatched in OOP. Unfortunately too widespread, it is rare to find a job with, but it always gives a solid reference, and things like Squeak can do a lot of things. Even though i like the language very much.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Most popular programming language

    I think the credit should do to PHP. PHP is fairly "easy" to address and can communicate quite easily with a database. To develop dynamic Web pages, it also requires a good knowledge of HTML and possibly the SQL if you need a database. It especially allows to prompt a "visibility" of his work by putting it online, and so have the comments / suggestions from users. We can also develop applications with this language normal (non-web). It is powerful and permissive programming language.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Most popular programming language

    I think every one now is using Python and if not then you should use it. It is Simple, fast, gives good programming habits, light, opened a lot of documentation on the internet. It can be quickly be pleased by powerful scripts (thanks to the object programming). It is also "new generation" and portable. It works with a virtual machine that can be packaged with some classes available on the web (there are all kinds and for all purposes ...) into an exe to distribute the application in a simple and independent.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Most popular programming language

    .Net can also be a choice, the future according to Microsoft, the good and bad in this platform, but it allows you to program graphical applications in a simple, runs only under Windows with some Linux adaptive attempts. The C # language is "native" of this platform: its syntax is close to C and Java, no pointers, while going to a higher level of abstraction to ancient languages microsoft. This is similar to Java and Python, except that it is not free.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Most popular programming language

    How can you forget C/C++, they are good languages, but with a complicated syntax that does not facilitate their learning. Furthermore, the use of pointers makes their use even by professionals, often challenging. The advantage is that these languages can be used on multiple platforms (after compilation) and that, once mastered, they run the other more simple. In addition they are more widely used languages in the professional world. For use only in order to make IT a profession.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Most popular programming language

    This apparently simple language is not at all suited to learning programming. Yes I am talking about Perl. Its flexibility and power cause you to make bad programming habits if not get discouraged by mistakes that you authorize silently to do. Better start learning a language rigorous, and then be able to exploit the best Perl. I add to my apple cons, that we may very well live a life without computer use. Instead I like Python and I would recommend young programmers to use Python.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Most popular programming language

    COBOL is also a nice alternative. This new module allows companies with large IBM mainframe streamline their efforts to modernize legacy systems, including as regards the evolution toward service-oriented architecture (SOA). ILOG Rules for COBOL enables organizations to use a BRMS to unlock business policies buried in COBOL code to be able to implement easily and cheaply, changes in policies and respond quickly to regulatory pressures or those market.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Most popular programming language

    Hi friends,

    Can anyone tell me which is the best book to learn C++?


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Most popular programming language

    There are lots of book for this. They starts for beginner level to advance. If you are new to the same then you must go for The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is an old book but really very informative. A other which can also be important in this part is International Standard for C++. And once you go on those you can go for a bit advance book which is Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010

    ThumbsUp Re: Most popular programming language

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion-

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