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Thread: How to find a maximum overclocking limit of a cpu

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    How to find a maximum overclocking limit of a cpu

    What is the best way to find what is the maximum limit of a cpu for overclocking. I am not able to realy find the same. If I go with some AMD FX series then what is the max limit here. I had seen that most of the time it is marked on the box. The clock rate. But that is the actual speed. But when I overclock then what can be the highest point it will stop working. I am quiet sure there will be some software which can tell me this thing. I hope there will be some software which can provide a bit details on the same.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: How to find a maximum overclocking limit of a cpu

    Overclocking is always a risky process if you don't follow steps for the same properly. And to find a max limit of the cpu you have to use benchmarking tools which are available on the web. Benchmarking software are easy to use and they give you a detailed report at the end which shows what is the max capacity of a processor to perform. If your system crash at the time of running test the your cpu is very weak and it wont be able to handle anything. High end processors are lot more better compare to mid range one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: How to find a maximum overclocking limit of a cpu

    Yes there are software that you can use like OCCT and Prime95. This are easy to use software which are clear enough to tell you the maximum capacity of your system. Here for overclocking one of the most important part is cooling. If the cooling is poor then you wont be able to do anything. You have to get a good fan either a air cooler or liquid cooler. Compare to the regular fan, portable liquid cooler kits are more better and amazing. They always keep the temperature lower and does not cause much problem.

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