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Thread: i5 3570K at 5Ghz overclocking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    i5 3570K at 5Ghz overclocking

    I am using the i5 3570K pocessor and I am going to push it to 5ghz after ovelocking it. I havent tried it before but I think that it is possible to reach this overclocking level. Can anyone tell me what kind of force I should try to use into it? Is it really hard to reach to the 5ghz level? What all settings do you all suggest to go for the 5ghz overclocking for this processor? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: i5 3570K at 5Ghz overclocking

    Intel chips have a kill switch if at the time of overclocking the temperature reaches 90C or so I believe. You should get some thermal protection in your system and enable it, so that if you reach above this temp then the computer turns off automatically. By also having a stocl cooler on the top of the CPU you can get upto around 4.8ghz stable but 5ghz could probably blow your CPU.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: i5 3570K at 5Ghz overclocking

    I dont understand what are the profits you are going to get, probably you will get too much high temperature from your cpu. I cannot say for sure what settings to use for 5Ghz but I have seen that 1.31v setting looks good for 4.5ghz. Incase of Ivy Processor, 4.5ghz will also be stable in the 1.21v range.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: i5 3570K at 5Ghz overclocking

    5GHZ is completely an overkill and it will surely shorten the lifespam of the intel processor chipset. There are no doubt about it. You will need some higher voltage for the 5ghz which is very bad all alone and also the high temperature along with that kind of voltage might speed up the process very quickly. So, it would be better to go for the 4.5ghz overclock and not even the 4.8ghz because the temperature is not comfortable.

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