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Thread: What is the maximum voltage to keep a pc running 24x7 days in a week overclocked

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    What is the maximum voltage to keep a pc running 24x7 days in a week overclocked

    This is somewhat where I need an experts advice. I have a Asus rog series motherboard. Good board with nice features and inbuilt overclocking stuff. I have some applications which are used to convert a video into different format. I have to generate high quality videos which are used for different purpose. The current content which I receive in raw format. What I noticed that when I overclock the system, the conversion time is reduced to 20 mins. That is more than enough for me. So I need some options or what you can say good suggestions to keep my system overclock for 24x7. I never shutdown my pc, as it keeps on recording from one side and converting that to HD format on the other side. The automated software does this. Last time I remember my cpu burned off within 3 weeks. That was done by an office staff who tough overclocking can be safe. I know there are certain mistakes that we had done and ignored. First thing that came in my mind and under top requirement is cooling. For me it is not possible to keep the cpu inside a freezer, but we can here afford a good cooling kit. Second I had noticed that the hardware which I am using should be robust to handle regular overclocking pressure and the last thing where I am stuck is the amount of voltage used for this. Please give me provide me appropriate suggestion. I need voltage suggestion where I can keep the system running 24x7 overclocked without killing it. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: What is the maximum voltage to keep a pc running 24x7 days in a week overclocked

    Voltage cannot be regulated every time. I do not prefer to touch that thing. The best you can do is add a good 1000w psu to your system. This will be enough. Because if your motherboard is equipped with features of overclocking then it will control everything automatically. Second add a good liquid cooling kit in your system. You had not mentioned what you are using right now because for your requirement air ventilation is not enough. One thing you have to see, that the ratio of clock rate. For example your pcu supports overclocking upto 4Ghz then it does nto means you keep the cpu on that rate. Keep it on 3.1 or 3.5 where the system does not crashed. Keep a temperature monitor on your system. This temperature monitor will tell how the cpu temperature increases and that time you have to stop. Remember that poor overclocking technique degrades processors life.Specially built cpu like Intel Core i5 or i7 are better for overclocking. I will not recommend to run overclocking 24x7 as it can hamper everything in your system. You need a much high end system for that and it is a good investment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: What is the maximum voltage to keep a pc running 24x7 days in a week overclocked

    There are voltage regulator that comes with overclocking tools. You have to just keep that on safe point. Anyhow if you have a good cooling then you do not need to worry much. But running a system 24x7 surely put more strain on the hardware. For that you have to find server level hardware that are designed for tough performance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: What is the maximum voltage to keep a pc running 24x7 days in a week overclocked

    Try this out. Get OCCT or overclocking benchmarking tools. Run them in your system. Let the tool run for hours and see what result it gives you. This tools check that your system will or will not stand overclocking. If not then your system will crash instantly and reboot at that time you have to ensure the maximum frequency shown on screen and never to go above that. There is another tool called as Prime95 which can provide you 10hrs of testing. It is strongly advised that your system must have a good psu so so each and every hardware can draw maximum power when needed. A cpu life is not degraded due to overclocking, but due to improper power supply. You cannot increase that or decrease that. There should be a perfect balance. That can be find by continuous testing and keep the cpu under safe limit. Do not go for higher frequency because there are chances that the very next moment your system can crash and you will lost your existing work.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    sad Re: What is the maximum voltage to keep a pc running 24x7 days in a week overclocked

    The condition that you are asking for is called as extreme overclocking and for that you need the best hardware. Just choosing a cpu or liquid cooling kit is not enough. Your hardware quality does matter here. Corsair offers some series of psu for overclocking system. They are HX series and some under 1000w model.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: What is the maximum voltage to keep a pc running 24x7 days in a week overclocked

    The condition that you are asking for is called as extreme overclocking and for that you need the best hardware. Just choosing a cpu or liquid cooling kit is not enough. Your hardware quality does matter here. Corsair offers some series of psu for overclocking system. They are HX series and some under 1000w model.

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