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Thread: Normal idle temp, but high load

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Normal idle temp, but high load

    I wonder if anyone can answer how it is with my temps. I have a E6750 with stock cooler, which sits on a P7N SLI Platinum, which now runs overclock. Temperatures in Real temp and Core temp is around 35 idle but the load of Ortho or Intel burn test temperatures climb rapidly up to 70 degrees and max out in 74.

    This is not really good with so high load temp, and I now wonder if I should make a new attempt to have new cooling paste etc.

    Anybody got any explanation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Normal idle temp, but high load

    Quite normal with the stock cooler.
    A little high, they appear to be.
    Have you checked if the flange has dams again?
    Increased the fan revolutions under load?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Normal idle temp, but high load

    There we had hazelnut, huh stupid I was not thinking about that the fan did not increase under load. Is around 2035 rpm constant.
    If you have a good solution please let me know. Must get started and find solution to my problem now.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Normal idle temp, but high load

    Do not know how if it is with your P7N SLI Platinum, but many motherboards, you can set different levels of the fan in the bios. Otherwise, not 74C someone special abnormal temp with stock and load, also depends a lot on the chassis you have and its ventilation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Normal idle temp, but high load

    Well I have checked now and the fan was set to go at 100%, got nothing better to activate smartfan in bios. Have other info for an Antec 300 with both tricool to press out air from the chassis on LOW, but they are only one degree difference in CPU temperature when they run on different speeds.

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