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Thread: FAT32 vs NTFS

  1. #1
    Whiplasher Guest

    FAT32 vs NTFS

    whats the difference the two??

    which one is faster??

    which form do u use??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I have 5 partitions 5 of em are Fat32 thatz bcoz i sometimes use the hdd with win 98 too. One partition is ntfs.

    Ntfs is more secure n less cluster space so space wastage is less.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    FAT 32 is better on smaller drives...20 Gb and less
    NTFS has better security options and is faster if u use it on disk more than 20GB
    just google around and u will get loads of info

    although i have a 80 GB disk...and i use FAT 32. .have split the disk in to 4 drives...19 GB each

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    18.55 N and 72.54 E
    Quote Originally Posted by Whiplasher
    whats the difference the two??

    which one is faster??

    which form do u use??
    I use both FAT32(Win 98) & NTFS(Win XP-recommended). If you want access and read data from NTFS partitions in Win98 then use Runtime's Captain Nemo(Search google)


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Navi Mumbai, India
    if u want to dual boot then keep some drives as fat32. NTFS support inlinux is minimal so u won't be able to write to NTFS drives frm it.

    i hav 160+40 and all r FAT32

    i been using ntfs only for the last 3 years

    I have shifted over to NTFS from FAT after my disk space went beyond 200 GB.It is faster,more secure.....
    i love NTFS

    i think ntfs iz da best option fer windoz XP ...
    keeps ur PC run smooth n fast ...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    but WHY !!
    if u hav XP or win 2k .. which i think most hav ... then NTFS clearly iz faster n hence better file system !!
    dis cuzin of mine had XP installed on fat32 partition ... n it tuk hrs to defrag jes 15 GB of his XP drive !!
    whereas i defrag in 10-15 minutes .. i even noticed relevent increase in bootup time

  7. #7
    KingKrool Guest
    I defrag fat32 in 10-15 minutes as well. There must be some other reason for his slow speeds. And all that abt faster speeds is well .. not very noticeable on most systems. U see most if us partition our hdds to small sizes, so it doesn't coz probs. Actually NTFS was designed keepin in view those huge 1tb arrays...

  8. #8
    taylor Guest
    I am still stuck with FAT32. But i really like the Seagate Disk Wizard Standard Edition. I can partition my Seagate disks into wahtever capacity drives i want, plus i can even choose the cluster size!!!

    So, on my 2 SATA 120GB drives, i have one 11GB, and 2 51GB drives each!!! and all the drives have a cluster size of 4kB. I had earlier tried 1kB.. but had to format and i didnt have the patience to wait for 12-15 mins it takes to format a 50GB drive at 1kB cluster. And thanks mainly to this 4kB cluster size, there is not much waste space on my HDD

  9. #9
    kirthu_darling Guest
    If the OS on your NTFS disk were to get corrupted, leaving you with a non-bootable OS. How would you recover in that occasion? The usual trick of getting up with an MS-DOS boot disk would be a bit tough with an NTFS partition? or are there other ways?

  10. #10
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    18.55 N and 72.54 E
    Quote Originally Posted by kirthu_darling
    If the OS on your NTFS disk were to get corrupted, leaving you with a non-bootable OS. How would you recover in that occasion? The usual trick of getting up with an MS-DOS boot disk would be a bit tough with an NTFS partition? or are there other ways? (Captain Nemo for DOS or GetDataBack for NTFS with Live Windows CD)


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    On my chair ..
    i'm not sure if it was win2k or win xp cd that had a DOS shell in it.. but xp has the recovery console which is kinda similar i think. so you should be able to browse directories etc

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    18.55 N and 72.54 E
    Quote Originally Posted by kirthu_darling
    Captain Nemo For DOS:
    Order Price : 90$!!

    Edit : or do we use the Captain's Help..
    don't give me all these reasons..had seen enough of these replies. All windows users use bullets.

    Anyways another way is:
    * Boot from Windows XP CD
    * When u reach the Setup u see this menu:
    Hit ENTER to install Windows
    R to repaiir the installation.

    * Hit Enter to install then choose partition to install and when u see this:
    Quick format ...NTFS
    Full format ...NTFs
    Full FAT32
    Leave the current File System as it is... <---Choose this option

    This is how I successfully installed windows today All program files are intact.

    Last edited by ferrari; 17-05-2004 at 06:22 PM.

  13. #13
    taylor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ferrari
    This is how I successfully installed windows today All program files are intact.
    Yes, but u still need to re-install all the programs. THe main advantage is ur C-Drive (or the drive in which XP was installed previously) is not formatted and u get back all ur data...

    Plus, if u previously had Mask as the user name and Ferrari as the name of the computer and now when u r installing choose the same names, then the new folders with names such as "Mask.Ferrari" will be created in the Documents and Settings folder.

    U can then copy all the data from ur previous MY Documents (actually it will be Mask's Documents folder now) folder in Mask folder (C:\Docs & Settings\Mask\MAsk's Documents, thats from the previous installation whcih is corrupt now) to the My DOcuments folder in the Mask.Ferrari (C:\Docs & Settings\Mask.Ferrari\My Documents) folder now.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    18.55 N and 72.54 E
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMask
    Yes, but u still need to re-install all the programs. THe main advantage is ur C-Drive (or the drive in which XP was installed previously) is not formatted and u get back all ur data...

    Plus, if u previously had Mask as the user name and Ferrari as the name of the computer and now when u r installing choose the same names, then the new folders with names such as "Mask.Ferrari" will be created in the Documents and Settings folder.

    U can then copy all the data from ur previous MY Documents (actually it will be Mask's Documents folder now) folder in Mask folder (C:\Docs & Settings\Mask\MAsk's Documents, thats from the previous installation whcih is corrupt now) to the My DOcuments folder in the Mask.Ferrari (C:\Docs & Settings\Mask.Ferrari\My Documents) folder now.
    Yes some program need to be reinstalled like. Office, Anti-virus etc. But what you can do is When Install windows then first install all your basic programs you mostly use. Then you export the registry to another location. So the next time you install windows u can restore(import) this registry and most probably the program runs.

    But yes some programs do run and do not require reinstallation. For eg System Mechanic, Opera(registered) and many more.
    You can also copy the Old Start Menu Folder from "" to ur new Admin folder or the "All User Folder" to see the pogram shortcuts in Start.
    Keeping the file system unformatted is a best way to save ur files on NTFS when u reinstall Windows XP. Coz All ur old files are located in "\Documents Settings" as masky have already mentioned.

    Last edited by ferrari; 17-05-2004 at 09:00 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    no wait .. u noe wht .. kirthu has pointed out a genuine problem wid NTFS ...
    as bootable disk duz'n identify NTFS drive ...
    and an autorun windoz XP cd iz a lil help ...
    any simple n genuine s/w to make bootable disk or CD which cud identify NTFS at the time of boot ?? ...

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