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Thread: FAT32 vs NTFS

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    bluezz buddy

    Kirthu said
    " If the OS on your NTFS disk were to get corrupted, leaving you with a non-bootable OS. How would you recover in that occasion?"

    The solution to this is a combination of Reply#23,24,25. provided you have a bootable WinXP CD.

    Another solution I have already posted ealier...remember "BARTPE live Windows CD" You ignored that topic right.


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    noh noh ... i din ...
    infact i posted there ... increased my precious post count too
    but wen i went there dled it .. i waz kinda confused .. cud'n get a thing ..
    ferrari dood .. thanx in advace fer posting a tut fer makin a bootable windoz XP disk

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    18.55 N and 72.54 E
    Quote Originally Posted by bluezz
    thanx in advace fer posting a tut fer makin a bootable windoz XP disk
    How about using your favourite search engine This will show u how to integrate SP1 into WINXP installation and then making a bootable CD.


  4. #19
    kirthu_darling Guest
    Actually I meant wat bluezz said. Dint know how to phrase it correctly
    Yes I know its easy to re-install your OS with a bootable WinXP CD, but what if you need to make changes, like say.. you have two partitions, you want to backup files from one partition to the other, then cleanup this partition *before* you install the OS for a nice fresh clean install on a fresh partition. The thing is about accessing the Disk before actual installation, the way you could with the Win95/98 Boot disk.
    Like bottle said, if there's a similar DOS Recovery Console in XP (haven't seen it yet), then that should be perfectly fine.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirthu_darling
    Actually I meant wat bluezz said. Dint know how to phrase it correctly
    Yes I know its easy to re-install your OS with a bootable WinXP CD, but what if you need to make changes, like say.. you have two partitions, you want to backup files from one partition to the other, then cleanup this partition *before* you install the OS for a nice fresh clean install on a fresh partition. The thing is about accessing the Disk before actual installation, the way you could with the Win95/98 Boot disk.
    Like bottle said, if there's a similar DOS Recovery Console in XP (haven't seen it yet), then that should be perfectly fine.
    Same type of question again.

    Knock knock kirthu...did u bother to read this topic.

    You don't need to use a DOS program for accessing the disk & moving data when u can do it easily in GUI with BartPE.
    BART PE is a FREEWARE(no captain help needed) There is a plugin in BartPE-->A43 File Management Utility (Another Freeware)

    I burned a BARTPE CD-RW--> I booted Windows XP from this CD-RW and took this screenshot to prove that I can access NTFS partition with A43 File Management Utility. Now you are smart enough to understand from this screenshot.

    If you seriously need help to make this CD-RW which is actually very easy to setup but yet I can help you.

    *If I see another similar question, then I'm sorry I cannot keep on repeating the same thing again & again. Maybe some1 else will help you )*

    Last edited by ferrari; 18-05-2004 at 08:53 PM.

  6. #21
    kirthu_darling Guest
    Sorry, I dint mean to make you repeat. I was just re-iterating that bluezz had phrased it correcly about what I was looking for. Was going to check out BartPE from your previous explanation itself, nonetheless, your second explanation is much clearer, especially the screenshots of the file management utility- exactly what i'm looking for! No more repetitions needed

    ISO can be easily created by just downloading BartPE, and following the step-by-step procedure i'm sure, dont have problems yet. Will try later and let you know.

    One clarification, I read the BartPE thread, and just wanted to confirm.. its not really a "Live" Windows CD as such right? just a Bootable disc with a Windows-like GUI, not like the Linux "Live" Discs?

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirthu_darling
    ISO can be easily created by just downloading BartPE, and following the step-by-step procedure i'm sure, dont have problems yet. Will try later and let you know.
    Yes it is easy but its upto u to add additional plugins like Nero,Partition magic, and many more which require captains help You just have to place these plug ins in the plugins folder. I have posted the forum site where you can get all the plugins. And remember make a ISO image only and then burn it otherwise you will have to make the CD bootable yourself by following some addtitional info which is not desirable when BartPE does it for you.

    One clarification, I read the BartPE thread, and just wanted to confirm.. its not really a "Live" Windows CD as such right? just a Bootable disc with a Windows-like GUI, not like the Linux "Live" Discs?
    Yes it is a Live Windows CD. There is another similar software by M$-->WinPE which does not has a Start menu(command prompt) while BartPE has it. You can see the desktop in the screenshots I posted in both this and the BartPE thread. All detail info can be found on BartPE website.
    I can only help on installing the plugins(most of them are with Captains help u decide) I have included in My CD-RW
    All the best and let me know if any problem.


  8. #23
    Join Date
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    1) Start-->RUN-->CMD-->Type-->convert C: /fs:ntfs
    (C: is the name of the drive you want to convert)

    Last edited by ferrari; 21-05-2004 at 10:17 AM.

  9. #24
    taylor Guest
    since this thread has been brought up, i thot i'll post my enquiry here itself.

    What difference wud different Cluster Size make? Like i have cluster size of 512bytes in one of the NTFS partitions. then i have 1kB size in another. What wud be the difference between the two, in terms of speed/performance, reliability.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Visakhapatnam-The City Of Destiny
    All i can say about cluster size is,if u suppose have a 5kb file(or a 5kb fragment of a file),if u have 512kb cluster size, ull be wasting the whole 512k to store 5kb.If the cluster is 1kb,itll take 5 one kb clusters saving u 507kb.

    507kb might not seem small but u have thousands of files,the lost space would be in hundreds of Megabytes.

    PS:Replace all kb with KB in the above reply.(Lazy to type capital kb)

  11. #26
    taylor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by kumar
    ok i goofed if its 512kb the same principle applies 1kb would waste space than a 512 one if a small file is stored.
    i know tht man.. lower the cluster size, the more space is saved.. that is why i have 512bytes on most of the drives.. But what i wanted to know is whether reducing the cluster size from the default value of 4kB would affect speed/performance of that partition significantly?

    EDIT: I got my answer!! Tnx to FERRARI!

    It means that the bigger the cluster size, the more disk space is wasted, however, the performance is better.
    No wonder i feel my new drive is slower than my older drive.. in my old drive i had set the cluster size to 2kB. I set it to 512bytes on the new one.. i guess i'll format it now..

    EDIT 2: Oh, BTW, Ferrari, DOOD, U ROCK!
    Last edited by taylor; 28-07-2004 at 08:19 PM.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    if u have XP or win 2k .. which i think most have ... then NTFS clearly is faster n hence better file system !!
    win 98 or winME is not detecting the NTFS partition but if you want to boot with
    win98 or ME , u r not able to see the files in NTFS.

    SO be carefull while transfering data from a HDD of NTFS to one Win98 or Me

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    need some help a new 200gb barracuda..gonna use it as primary drive for ma main rig ...which file system should i go for?..i've never used ntfs before...on my earlier drive i had 2 partitions of 70gb n one of 15gb...all fat32..
    speed is not a concern....reliability is the main concern...i.e if i ever need to do data recovery on my hdd, is it possible in ntfs?....cuz i've heard that data recovery is troublesome in ntfs.....

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    18.55 N and 72.54 E
    GetDataBack for NTFS is my favourite recovery software. BartPE live CD explorer plugin can access NTFS partitons (read/write). There are also utilities available on net which let u access NTFS paritions from Win 98/ME one of them is Captain Nemo.

    IMHO NTFS is best for Win XP/2K.


    If "I were u" I wud partition this way. *no linux for me* dual booting (recommended)

    C: 10 GB - FAT32 Win 98
    D: 30 GB - NTFS Win XP

    E: 40 GB - NTFS
    F: 40 GB - FAT32
    G: 40 GB - FAT32
    H: 40 GB - FAT32
    200 GB

    Last edited by ferrari; 06-08-2004 at 04:08 PM.

  15. #30
    taylor Guest
    Hey i gotta use GetBackData for NTFS and i must tell u its a pretty cool software. Recovered all data back from a corrupted NTFS partition.

    Apollyon, i was in quite a dilemma as u r, just a few days back. But now, i have sorta comepletely shifted to NTFS on my 2 SATA drives. Though i am still using FAT32 on my IDE drive. Thats primarily because i use that drive in my external casing and most of the systems i connect to run on Win 98. Hence the need for FAT32 on that.

    Everywhere i have been hearing NTFS is better. So i took the plunge too. So far no problems whatsoever

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