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Thread: Windows 7 64bit cant detect old system image file

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Windows 7 64bit cant detect old system image file

    My system is working a bit slow. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. And it is not performing really well. So I thought it is best to restore the system back through a recovery image which I had created earlier. But when I try to run that it is not detecting the image. I click on Advance Recovery method in control panel and click on recover now. But it shows that there is no backup done. How can this be possible. I had used the same image some months before to restore my old system. And it looks to be working fine. Compare to clean formatting, windows recovery is quiet faster.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Windows 7 64bit cant detect old system image file

    If you are having Windows 7 bootable disc then you can try that to restore your pc back through the recovery image. You have to boot your pc through Windows 7 bootable disc first. In that you can find a options as Repair. There you can choose a system image and it will scan your pc for a image file. If not then it might also allow you to manually choose the image file. And you can restore that easily through the DVD. Just try that first and see whether it works or not. If this one fails then there is no option left. You have to format your pc back again and install things manually.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Windows 7 64bit cant detect old system image file

    There are few things you will have to see before restoring your system back with a image file. You have to verify the file name first. Like it must be WindowsImageBackup. Just check this first. I hope you had not changed the location of the image drive. That also cause problem. If you had done then try putting it back where it was before. For testing you can try copying the image file in a pen drive and then boot your pc with Windows disc. And use that for the restoration purpose. You can select the pen drive as a default options where the image file is copied.

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