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Thread: Windows 7: I need help with my Libraries and folders

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Windows 7: I need help with my Libraries and folders

    I have used Windows 7 for the last five years. I have read all the Microsoft articles and some other tutorials about Librariries and how to organize them. I am still confused about some of the things

    1. When I download a file from the Internet directly to a Library, does it also get saved in a default location?

    2. When I later delete that file from the Library only, without touching anything else, how did I lose the file completely from the computer?

    3. With the Library open, if I only want to see what the default location of a particular folder or a file that is in the Library, where should I click?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Windows 7: I need help with my Libraries and folders

    By default, files that you move, copy, or save to the Documents library are stored in the My Documents folder. You can check where the files are getting saved in your Internet browsers and can also change its default location to some other place.

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