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Thread: Not getting delete confirmation box on Windows 8

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Not getting delete confirmation box on Windows 8

    In Windows 8 whenever you delete a file you get a popup box. This popup box ask me whether to delete a file or not. And when you click on yes it goes. In my system issue is bit different. When I click on any file to delete it just goes directly to the recycle bin. It does not give me any confirmation box. I do not like this behavior. Because it happens sometime you accidentally click on a file and it gets deleted. But before that there is a confirmation box on the screen. By hitting escape you can stop the file from getting deleted. The thing is not working in my pc and I want that thing back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Not getting delete confirmation box on Windows 8

    It can be some bug in the system.This does not happen usually and I don't really think Windows has a settings to disable that. You can try running system restore. That is the default options that allow you to restore working windows settings. And it is also the fastest way. If that is not working well then you can try our running a repair setup of windows. But do backup your data before doing the same. Delete confirmation appears on the screen when you press the delete key and when you hit ok it will move the file to recycle bin. While shift + delete permanently removes the files. Just see if there is any key stuck on your keyboard.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Not getting delete confirmation box on Windows 8

    It might be disabled. But it is possible to turn it on back again and it is quiet simple. You don't have to do any advance settings changes. For that go on your desktop and right click on Recycle bin. Then click on Properties. At the end you can see a option for Display delete confirmation dialog. Just add a tick on that and then click on ok. For testing try deleting a few files and test. I am quiet sure that you will get that popup box on your screen. There are different partitions in that. You have to enable this for all one by one.

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