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Thread: How to turn on a pc that is giving bios corruption screen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    How to turn on a pc that is giving bios corruption screen

    When I reboot your pc I am getting a bios corrupt error on the same. I want some way to fix this thing and start my pc back again. I am having lot of important data. So it is will be hard for me to format if anyhow this started working. I had tried restarting the pc also but it does not help. I had checked the ram also so that is not causing the problem at all. I am seeing the bios screen sometime and sometime there is nothing. I had tried restarting the pc forcefully but it come again back on the screen. So I need some help here to fix it. What to do to fix the bios problem. Is there a key combination that can work.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: How to turn on a pc that is giving bios corruption screen

    Bios corruption is one of the major problem that is not easy to resolve. Because you cannot do anything unless you are having stable bios. Because only after that you can go ahead and install Windows and fix it. You have open your system and then you have to check the ram. Remove it and place it on some other slow. Some new boards are having a dual bios feature. That means if there is any problem you can restore the bios back again. Just see that if there is any feature like that. It can be done through bios switch. Or you can flash the bios easily also through a usb drive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: How to turn on a pc that is giving bios corruption screen

    Hi SIshaan,

    I would need more information about the problem to be able to help you out. Based on your post though, it may be a motherboard issue.

    May I know what is the specific error message appearing on the screen during reboot? It would help if you give a screenshot of the problem.

    Are you using a desktop or laptop? You have mentioned that you have already checked the RAM, may I know, how did you check it? Did you check it physically, or with the help of some kind of software? As for your data, if you just want to take the backup of your important data, you may use the hard drive in another PC or you can put it in an external enclosure so you can transfer the files out.

    Hope it helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How to turn on a pc that is giving bios corruption screen

    Bios corruption can be fixed. It is easy. The only thing you have to take care is to flash the right bios version. Many new motherboards are having this feature. You have to press a key to start bios flashing and you will have to load files in that. And then just run the flash. That's it. It will start working and wont give you much problem. You can find the downloads from the official site of motherboard and then you can flash that through a cd or through a usb drive.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: How to turn on a pc that is giving bios corruption screen

    Yes flashing the bios is the only way to fix this thing. And you can do this through a usb drive by downloading the latest version of BIOS from the official site of your motherboard manufacturer. Most of the new boards have a easy way of doing this. Like I have a MSI board and it has a flash option when I turn on my pc. I just have to press that key and then it will ask you the locate where you have to save the file. You just have to connect the usb to the pc and done. Just select the file and done. Bios corruption can be also due to virus problem.

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