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Thread: transfer settings and account from old Windows 8.1 to new Windows 8.1 pc

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    transfer settings and account from old Windows 8.1 to new Windows 8.1 pc

    I recently purchased new touch screen Windows 8.1 computer. I am now looking to transfer all the settings and accounts from my old Windows 8.1 computer to this new one. I tried running Windows Easy Transfer on my old Windows 8.1 pc but I do not get any option to save any settings to an external hard drive or USB or any network connection. So, does anyone know how can I transfer when both running Windows 8.1? Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: transfer settings and account from old Windows 8.1 to new Windows 8.1 pc

    There is free software called PCmover Express that can be used to copy files and settings from your Windows PC to Windows 8.1. This program can be used to copy your files, music, videos, email and user profile and settings from your old PC to your new device, transferring across your home or work network. As for Windows Transfers, it is no longer given any support as noted by the Microsoft officials.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: transfer settings and account from old Windows 8.1 to new Windows 8.1 pc

    If both of your computers are on a common network, whether Wifi or Ethernet, you can try to connect them in a Homegroup using the inbuilt option of Network and Sharing Center. After you have connected the PCs, you can thus transfer all your old files to the new computer. Note that some of the old settings like bookmarks in Internet Explorer cannot be shared but still you can do that manually if you want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: transfer settings and account from old Windows 8.1 to new Windows 8.1 pc

    There is another tool called Zinstall XP7 that can be used in a network setting. The main purpose of this application is to move the whole Windows system that includes applications, files and also user settings to other PC or the same PC at the time of upgrading of operating system. So, if you want to upgrade in-place then you can rest assured and all of your files and settings will be recovered in the same exact manner on the other computer.

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