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Thread: Help to re-install Windows XP on a old Pentium 4 pc

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Help to re-install Windows XP on a old Pentium 4 pc

    I am having a very old Pentium 4 based pc. I am trying to install Windows xp on that but it is not working. I tried booting from pen drive and cd both. But nothing is working. It looks this this pc is having some kind of serious problem. It is not showing me the XP installation menu. I want some help here to fix this problem and I had tried a lot. But it is not helping me from any angle. I had also changed the cd rom. But still it is not working. I want some help here to make this thing work and I hope there will be some way of doing this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Help to re-install Windows XP on a old Pentium 4 pc

    Well most of the issue starts from the RAM.If your system is not booting then it means there can be some problem with the memory. You have to just remove or replace that and test once again. And I am quiet sure that it might start working. So here just try to find a replacement for the same and then test back. I am quite sure that you might a replacement ram stick which will work well. If you are unable to find then try changing the disc also. If still it fails to work then I do not really think there might be any option to fix this thing. You have to try some new cables on the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Help to re-install Windows XP on a old Pentium 4 pc

    There is one thing you can try out and I am quiet sure that it might start working. For that you just have to use some other pc. That means yo need a working pc here. You have to connect the hard drive which is in Pentium 4 pc to another working pc. Boot the system with Windows XP cd and run a setup. Create partition and you will see a screen of copying files. Once that is over turn it off and reconnect the drive in the old pc and boot. And then just try out. I am quiet sure that it might start working you will be able to use it.

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