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Thread: Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

    Well I wanted to discuss about Windows 8. Windows 8 is not able to get how desktop users work. You should know that it based on desktop users experience. Well I am aware of the thing this particular interface is working great on phone and Notebook. If you have given a look on metro start screen then you will have feeling of Microsoft office or Visual studio. It seems to be very fast. It seems to be really cumbersome to clean metro page whenever I wanted to install software on my computer. I have installed lots of games and number of applications. Also there are number of additional items on metro home page. There are some on metro page by clicking on them brings desktop environment and it should be placed into start menu.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

    You will be able to close Metro style application by simply moving your mouse to top of application till icon is not getting change to hand. After that you have to click and drag that application to the bottom of the screen. It would simply bring back your start screen. Applications going to be run into background and it would get terminated once it has been noticed into Task Manager. You will be able to run desire application which is running on start screen. You will get search dialog box on the screen once you have started to type on the same. Windows dynamically searches would display results according to words you had enter in search dialog box.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

    I am using number of software’s on my computer. I have noticed that Metro is removing Start menu. I think to compete with iPad they are pushing away the professional users from Windows 8 and which is not good. Such worked cannot be implemented on iPad. I wanted to use an Operating system which should be stable and have support for multitasking. As far as Windows 8 is concerned it is forcing me to care about how I should set UI and it does not seems to worthy in terms of productions. So far I was wondering that iphone or ipad-ization of Mac OS X was biggest mistake ever I have seen. But after looking on Windows 8 I concluded that they have done mistake even further. I won’t use Windows 8 if same mistake has been repeated into RTM as well. I would simply use Linux or Mac OS X but I would not go for Windows 8 by any mean. We all are aware of that Microsoft is having big business from enterprise then why there are disappointing enterprise user by Making metro as great business move. I know that they are looking to provide simplicity to normal users but it is not worthy. One cannot use mouse or keyboard all the time to moving over and there with menu. Microsoft should not hurt profession user. They should provide something which allow us to disable or enable Metro on system.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

    Well I am ultimate Windows users. In Windows 8 I did not managed to control panel so that I can ensure that all drivers were installed. I used to open 25+ windows on my system while working. In case I am clicking on IE then it getting stuck on IE window only. It simply broke my work flow. The Metro UI should be removed and there is no need to have on Windows 8. So far Windows 7 was one of the best OS I have ever seen even ever used in my life. The icons on Windows 8 are large enough and really ugly. There is highly need of redesigning of this particular OS. I hope Microsoft people would listen and they would make necessary changes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

    When I switched to Office 2003 to 2007 it took around 15 minutes to find out Print button. So it does not mean that I would begin to use office 2003. You should not forget that Windows 8 is Windows reimagined hence you are not going to get same kind of desktop experience as you had in Windows 7. There were lots of changes happened into Windows Phone same as that of live tile updates, integrating services such as Facebook and twitter. All you are looking to get minimum difference with previous version of operating system. they are saying there would be big change into Windows 8 build. We should think about what kind of options we are going to gte in new version of Windows 8 and how we can use those option on our computes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

    I was expecting that you are going to get same kind of frustrating experience with Metro UI when you are using Mouse. I am not going to use after looking so much people are having such bad experience with Metro. I can understand to have same UI on Windows Phone and it seems to be intuitive. However all the tiles are looking having same kind of look and feel. According Microsoft should provide appropriate desktop UI in Windows 8. If they are not going to do it then I would stick with Windows 7 till next operating system after Windows 8 is not announced by them. I can understand the they are trying to provide new version of Windows but it is really frustrating in terms of usability. I wanted tell you what type of frustrating thing happened with me while using Windows 8 Metro UI.
    In case you opening any application by using metro for eg Email and you click on attachment on mail and it simply opens another metro app such as PDF viewer. If you closed that particular application by simply dragging at the bottom then it would get you to metro desktop. Because I went to mail and PDF program,. After closing program it simply takes me back to program where I was working previously. This particular thing is happening with metro style application even with Internet Explorer. I know that it’s a beta version of the software so I am expecting that they would listen us and make necessary changes on priority basis.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

    I am having mixed opinion as far as Windows 8 is concerned. I really loved the things like Email, Facebook, and Twitter feeds are getting open without launching your app. Task Manger is really great. However I do agree that frustration faced by the users while using Windows 8. Moving mouse towards all the corners of screen seems to be really initiating. In my opinion Metro seems to be UI as far as touch is concerned. it is not so great with Mouse. If you wanted to go for Programs & Features on Windows 7 then it would consist of following steps. Start > Programs & Features. Where as in Windows 8 you need to do Start > Control Panel > Type "Programs" and you have to move your mouse to select appropriate list. You are supposed to move backwards as well as forwards by using mouse to Keyboard to get this particular thing. where as you will be able to get something in Windows 7 by doing 3 mouse click., so according to me to work on Windows 8 should be more time consuming.

    I don’t have any issue with changes made on Windows 8 apart from removal of Start button. Start Screen seems to be preface for tablet pc but it is not suitable for computer which is having monitor and mouse. There is need of having start button as well as taskbar and it should be visible at desktop and Metro. It would be useful for general multitasking by means of mouse. Menu is getting disappear just because you have taken mouse away and you have to hover again to get start screen. I would be really happy if Microsoft people would make above mentioned changes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

    I am happy to see improvement made into task manager. But basic functionally of operating system is completing is missing. so there will not be any fun if we are no having basic thing in new OS. Also there should keep away Sysinternals tools outside of Windows 8.i think it will allows you to improve operating system quite frequently. Actually it is not re write of previous version of OS.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Cannot understand how desktop users will work on Windows 8

    The new changes in OS does not introduced any kind of new functionality. Microsoft people does not seems to be interested to provide unification and simplicity. There are lots of unification tools are provided into Windows 8 server. They have not provide any new functionality on OS. According to me there should be no functionality rather than new OS.

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