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Thread: Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

    I at present utilize Ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop and have a unique SandyBridge i5 desktop. I'm considering moving to Mint once it moves to Gnome 3, so it will take on the late proc. I've perused a few things regarding the upcoming 12 discharge, however one thing I haven't viewed and should know is:-
    • -will MGSE permit me to have both bars at the bottom of the screen as I presently do?
    • -can I still have fitting provision window menus instead of the MAC-style global menu?
    • -can I still have time honored scrollbars rather than the Gnome 3 scrollbars?
    • Primarily, I need the same (or particularly comparable) desktop to Gnome 2 but with the last specialized developments in the Gnome 3 part.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

    The discharge candidate should to be out absolutely soon, so you could probably give it a twist then. One indicates I would be able to response; the worldwide menu is just on Unity, not GNOME 3 Shell. For the different indicates, I envision this might be finished it is simply an issue of somebody doing it. Case in point, a post of open windows wasn't conceivable on GNOME 3 Shell ever, but it will be now because of MGSE. With GNOME 3 Shell getting increasingly consideration from distros, this is a question of time. Be that as it may conceivably the discharge candidate will shock with what is even now feasible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

    Since you're pointing to the overlay scrollbars, you are able to uninstall the bundles that empower that practicality and keep on to utilize the ordinary scrollbars. I'm not presently booted in my Linux Mint 12 setup but I accept the bundles (which are additionally fixed in Mint 11 by default, assuming that I recall effectively) are liboverlay-scrollbar and overlay-scrollbar. Looking for 'overlay scrollbar' in Synaptic's brisk look put away ought to carry the proper bundles and you are effectively able to check them for evacuation (or finish evacuation to additionally evacuate any arrangement indexes consorted with them).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

    The MSGE developments make a point not to right now incorporate any augmentation to move the top Shell Panel to the bottom of the screen, but that would update over the long haul if Clem or any of the different developers answerable for Mint 12 choose to combine quite an impressive development. Here's a post of the enlargements that are ready as of now:
    • -Menu (puts a requisition menu in the top or base Panel somewhat comparable to the old Mint Menu from GNOME 2)
    • -Media Player (puts a media player symbol in the top Panel status tray when a perfect media player is running with the present playing track information and media player controls)
    • -Smart Overview (updates how window thumbnails are displayed in outline mode)
    • -Monitor Status (puts a button in the status tray to update the introduction of the screen and a shortcut to the presentation settings control focus applet)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

    1. -Bottom Panel (puts a Bottom Panel in the desktop)
    2. -noa11y (removes the receptiveness button from the status tray)
    3. -User Themes (prepares the utilization of unique Shell subjects and sets the Shell topic, needs design via GSettings (from a terminal) or DConf-Editor (for folks who lean toward a GUI))
    4. -Alt-Tab (updates how the job switcher carries on, permitting one to switch betwixt windows instead of applications)
    5. -notices (moves the symbols for running applications from the notice tray at the bottom up to the other side of the status tray on the top Shell Panel and additionally moves the ticker to the other side close to the user status menu)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

    The different developers to combine an extension that can move the top Panel to the Bottom panel assuming that you quite need; however in case they'll oblige it is after all up to them. Obviously, even if they don't incorporate quite an impressive growth as a component of the Mint 12 MSGE bundle, you are able to unfailingly recognize one yourself and establish it if this is blatantly what you need. GNOME 3.2 means to be truly extensible and so far appears to perform entirely well that way, and I accept the GNOME developers are when its all said and done setting the groundwork to have a post good to go in the fate particularly for GNOME Shell developments, so I'm positive once that happens there should be a significant number of developments to look at, incorporating some that move the top Panel to the bottom.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

    I don't utilize huge numbers of the MSGE extensions myself subsequent to I've developed usual to GNOME Shell in give or take a vanilla state with AWN reinstating the Panel I missed from GNOME 2, but I did test them out for a small while and they do work altogether well, and might as well assist countless users adapt to the alteration from GNOME 2 to GNOME 3 a cut above unequivocally dumping a GNOME 3 Shell setup on them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

    I was hoping these were going without end. Yet following erasing the bundles in synaptic on LM 11 Main and LM 11 LXDE, they could still appear from chance to time on a humble number of windows. This was my prevailing explanation behind not keeping either distro. I cannot stand those overlays.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Configuration for Mint 12 Gnome top bar

    I'm not 100% sure but I think you need to log out and once again in again to verify the updates produce results, if not a complete reboot. I know following comprehensively uprooting the bundles and their design documents via Synaptic in Mint 11, I haven't after viewed an overlay scrollbar on any of my applications, so I'm not confident why you still could if you've logged out and over in again following removing them.

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