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Thread: How to do partition while installing Backtrack 5 and windows 7 x64?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    How to do partition while installing Backtrack 5 and windows 7 x64?

    I tried to install Backtrack 5 with Windows 7. I have a 200 GB (NTFS) Windows 7, unpartitioned space 100 GB and 500 GB one (NTFS, also tried to eliminate this). While recognizing all my partitions gparted, the installer is Backtrack 5 takes the whole disk. I found some online publications on various boards, but not the solution. Is this a known problem? Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone here have a solution for my problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    re: How to do partition while installing Backtrack 5 and windows 7 x64?

    Boot backtrack 5 from the DVD and run the installation script. Upon accomplishment the installation options for Backtrack 5, select manual and remove the partition to install Backtrack 5 what appears as "free space" (BE careful not to delete the Windows partition). Then select, first make a small (2GB be supposed to be well) and identify a change the partition. Partition Then all "free space" (or as much as you want to install Backtrack 5) and ext4 and set the mount point /. Backtrack 5 Install this partition you just created and everything should be fine. A sound of caution, I tried one time (dual boot windows XP / Ubuntu) on my desktop and food ended the Windows bootloader, which prevents me from booting into Windows. I had to fix the MBR of my disk to restart Windows.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    re: How to do partition while installing Backtrack 5 and windows 7 x64?

    when running the installer, once you get to the partition options you can choose to either "use entire disk", "Installing from side to side" or "manual partitioning" (IIRC, I think I lost my ATM ISO but something similar). Just look at the options carefully and choose to partition manually. It worked for me with Backtrack 5 gnome 64 bit. If you require any further help do let me know. Hope this clear your doubts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    re: How to do partition while installing Backtrack 5 and windows 7 x64?

    As long as you know that to create the partitions (free space), just add a partition of the tree root (set type or ext3 ext4, with a size of at least 40 concerts, if it can afford it, the mount point set to a single slash: /) and a swap partition of around 2.4 gigabytes. The swap partition does not take a mount point.This would be the simplest configuration to begin with.i'm happy to solve your doubts and any more question than ask here.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    re: How to do partition while installing Backtrack 5 and windows 7 x64?

    I had a similar difficulty. I installed on a laptop Lenovo Win7 and Ubuntu 10.10.I tried to install Backtrack 5 because I wanted to boot from USB didn’t. I clicked on the desktop image and "side by side" installation chosen. The installation went well, but the problem is probably that GRUB has changed and now I can not choose or even to start Windows7/Ubuntu. Only backtrack 5.Anybody can help me how to fix mbr and have restart my options?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    re: How to do partition while installing Backtrack 5 and windows 7 x64?

    It sounds like you actually have a difficulty as much as it seems you desire someone to hold your hand and walk through it. If you do not know how to partition your disk, probably reversing it is not appropriate for you. Above instruction was absolutely clear now I don’t know how to answer your query. Just go through all above post .this will help you to understand and you will be able to partition yourself only. Just put system recovery disk and everything will be fine . Just put little efforts

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: How to do partition while installing Backtrack 5 and windows 7 x64?

    hi i've downloaded backtrack5 r1 and i'm using a usb boot for installation ,,,bt there is no option for installing side by side for windows 7,,,can any1 have any solution i'll be glad to no,,,,every thing is workin fin from live usb

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: How to do partition while installing Backtrack 5 and windows 7 x64?

    Quote Originally Posted by saumitramallick View Post
    hi i've downloaded backtrack5 r1 and i'm using a usb boot for installation ,,,bt there is no option for installing side by side for windows 7,,,can any1 have any solution i'll be glad to no,,,,every thing is workin fin from live usb
    It might be probably just a bootloader issue. I don't suppose you had something bootable on there before? This time, completely wipe the disk (partitions and all) with diskpart (windows command line utility) or the disk management snap-in of Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe). Then do the installation.

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