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Thread: Getting error code:”0xe0ef000e” while system recovery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Getting error code:”0xe0ef000e” while system recovery

    I have recently purchased the HP pavilion dv6 2130ee that is running on Windows 7 operating system. Last night when I was trying to create a system recovery disc and after 75% completion I started getting error code 0xe0ef000e. Now I am not able to login to my system and cannot do anything. Does anyone know what should I do to fix this issue? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Getting error code:”0xe0ef000e” while system recovery

    Can you first try to reset the BIOS of your motherboard to its default setting. Just press F10 when you start your computer so that you can enter into BIOS setting. After that press F5 to load the default bios setting and then save this changes and exit bios. Now boot your computer again and then check if your Recovery DVDs are installing the OS properly or not.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Getting error code:”0xe0ef000e” while system recovery

    Even I am facing this error code 0ex0ef000e at the time of recovery after installing a new hard drive in my computer. I am trying to use the Recovery Discs that I have burned before instead of using the HP discs. The error message occurs halfway through Recover Disc 2. I have also tested memory and hard drive from Setup Utility and both are doing good. I also dont want to buy the HP Recovery Discs since I am out of warranty. So is there any other method to solve this problem?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Can you try to choose Repair instead of installing from the disc that you have? If that can repair the bootmgr problem then atleast things will get clear. If that doesnt work then you can try to download a tool called EasyBCD. This software offers users to set their default operating system. The user has several small tools for checking corruption of a partition or shortcuts to the command line, control panel, etc; as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Getting error code:”0xe0ef000e” while system recovery

    Quote Originally Posted by Jamal22 View Post
    I have recently purchased the HP pavilion dv6 2130ee that is running on Windows 7 operating system. Last night when I was trying to create a system recovery disc and after 75% completion I started getting error code 0xe0ef000e. Now I am not able to login to my system and cannot do anything. Does anyone know what should I do to fix this issue? Thanks
    I just went through this and when its all said and done it was my hard drive gone bad.
    at start up press f10 until setup utility comes on. then go to "Storage" click on DPS Self Test mine said Completion Code 7 Completion Test Failed, Drive Replacement Recommended

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Getting error code:”0xe0ef000e” while system recovery

    Quote Originally Posted by shadowryder View Post
    I just went through this and when its all said and done it was my hard drive gone bad.
    at start up press f10 until setup utility comes on. then go to "Storage" click on DPS Self Test mine said Completion Code 7 Completion Test Failed, Drive Replacement Recommended
    What hard drive are you using, if it is in warranty then you can probably get it replaced in the warranty period.
    AMD 64 x2 4800+
    OCZ (2 x 512) DDR600

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