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Thread: Upgrading Windows 7 from XP - unable to transfer file and settings using its transfer wizard

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Upgrading Windows 7 from XP - unable to transfer file and settings using its transfer wizard

    Two days before I have been upgraded my computer with Windows 7 from Windows XP service 3. Before doing installation I have back up all the files using file and setting transfer wizard of the Windows XP on the external hard disk of mine. After finishing the installation I have been launched the file transfer Wizard of Windows 7. But I have found that it was unable to open back up files. Well all the backup files are either dat files which are having a status file in to the folder USMT2.UNC. Anyone having idea regarding this matter will be highly appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    re: Upgrading Windows 7 from XP - unable to transfer file and settings using its transfer wizard

    Well we know very wll that we can use Files and Settings Transfer Wizard in order to transfer file from one Windows XP computer to another computer. In case of Windows Vista and Windows 7 there is new tool is introduced by the Microsoft. Well you can use Windows Easy Transfer. To retrieve the data which is stored in to Files and Settings Transfer Wizard you have to restore the file using wizard and after that move all the files to Windows 7 system where you can use Windows Easy Transfer to recover all the restore files and settings. Feel free if you are having any query in this particular solution.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    re: Upgrading Windows 7 from XP - unable to transfer file and settings using its transfer wizard

    Looking at the situation I have concluded that USMT2.UNC and other files have been produced after using Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. Well as far as I know this wizard is supposed to deal with computer which are using Windows XP and the older version of the Windows. It does not support higher version of the Windows for e.g. Windows Vista or Windows 7. Hence I concluded that the root cause of the problem is compatibility issue of Files and Settings Transfer Wizard between Windows XP and Windows 7.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    re: Upgrading Windows 7 from XP - unable to transfer file and settings using its transfer wizard

    In order to utilize Windows Easy Transfer you must have Easy Transfer Cable which Is particularly designed USB cable which allows you to plug two remote computers and allows you to transfer the information between the both remote computer using Windows File Transfer. To launch Windows Easy Transfer you have to click on the Start Menu of your computer and you have to enter Easy Transfer in the start search box. Now click on Windows Easy Transfer from the list provided after searching. If it is prompted for the admin password simply enter it. Make sure that you are having and Admin account on your computer otherwise you won’t be able to access Windows Easy Transfer.

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