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Thread: windows 7: cannot access some folder in same window

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    windows 7: cannot access some folder in same window

    There are some folder in my windows 7 compatible Acer satellite laptop are not opening in same window, when I clicked to open them instead of open the folder contents in same window, it open in other window, also some times windows directs me, not having such right to access them. Why this problem occurring is there anyone having idea on this type of problems? Any suggestion on this topic will be helpful for me very much.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: windows 7: cannot access some folder in same window

    I think your machine is attacked by any virus file, where as I was also having similar issue, where I also not to able some of the folders in my machine. Along with this also was not able to run some software application program. I did a research on this problem, but do not get any such information regarding this. After that I simply try once by full scan my machine, it detects few threats which were situated in my machine. I removed them and the problem is solved. So I suggest you to scan your full machine by up to date antivirus program and go through the process. I hope this will somehow help you to resolve the issue.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: windows 7: cannot access some folder in same window

    I think this is the windows operating system problem, I strongly recommend you to reload the operating system in your machine. For that insert windows installation disk, and start pressing f8 after the manufacturer logo will appear in to the screen. It will proceed you into the, now start the installation process, at first it will ask you to select desire drive to load this one. Select that one and click on install now option. The process will; first format them selected drive and will install the operating system aging in afresh way. Go through this, this is actual solution of this type of problem, as per my opinion.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: windows 7: cannot access some folder in same window

    The problem that you mentioned might be occurring for any other software application program, which is running in your machine. Though there are some of the third party software applications, those are sometimes comes as separate or as with a trusted software application program. Remove them from your machine, some of them are designed as the threat or virus file. So this type of problem may occur by them. First of all remove them from your machine and along with this also full scan your machine, because the problem that you posted is completely sounds as for the virus files. Try this.

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