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Thread: Speaker balance position is reset, if speaker volume minimized

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Speaker balance position is reset, if speaker volume minimized

    It is clear that I am facing problem with the speaker, I mean to say that facing problem with the speaker balance positions. The thing is that if I am adjusting speaker volume the speaker balance position reset. I do not know what is causing this issue but need the solution for that. I came to know about this by doing a little experiment. Actually I did not know why this is happening, I thought that speaker volume is resetting because of some kind of virus issues. So I use the best antivirus software that I can have but that is not resulting in anything. I mean to say that I was not able to find and kind of virus. Facing this issue number of times I observed that this is the problem is occurring whenever I am adjusting the speaker volume. I have also discussed this issue with my friends but they are not having any kind of solution or any kind of suggestion for this problem. Now I am thinking that here I can get the solution for this problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Speaker balance position is reset, if speaker volume minimized

    Well my friend, this issue is not unknown; there are many users who are facing this kind of problem. Means if they are adjusting the speaker volume there speaker balance position is reset. One more thing I will like to tell you this issue is not caused by any virus; it is just a functionality issue. As far as I know there is no resolution for this problem, but if there is any update for this then I will definitely let you know. One more thing you have not given any specification related to your speaker. If you can provide the specification for that then we can help you in a better way. I hope that you understand what I am trying to convey. There are many other solution that you can have for that and I hope that other users will provide you some kind of relevant solution.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Speaker balance position is reset, if speaker volume minimized

    I think that I am also facing similar kind of issues and for your information I am giving specification of my speaker and also explain what I want to achieve. Currently I am having 5.1 speaker and the thing I want to achieve is that the Front Left and the Rear Left speaker must be around 75% level of the right one and it must remain in the relativity, I am asking this because of the speaker position. One more thing it should not change if I am raising the volume or reducing the volume. In short I just want to a way through which I am able to keep this thing in the relative position of balance. If you can provide any related reply then it will be really appreciated. I will be waiting for you reply.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Speaker balance position is reset, if speaker volume minimized

    Problem I am facing is relatively same but I want the control for that through the use of programming. I want to adjust the volume of my speakers from my vb application.
    I work with VB Express 2008 on a Vista environment, and here is the code that I am using.

    Declare Function Lib waveOutSetVolume "WinMM" (ByVal wDeviceID As IntPtr, ByVal dwVolume As System.UInt32) As Integer 
      Sub RegleVolume (ByVal i As Integer) 'Volume 0 to 100% 
      Sun stVolDr As String 'Volume Right 
      Sun stVolGa As String 'Volume left 
      stVolGa = Hex ((i / 100) * 65535) 
      stVolDr = Right ("0000" & Hex ((i / 100) * 65535), 4) 
      waveOutSetVolume (0, CLng ("& h" & & stVolGa stVolDr)) 
      End Sub
    The problem is that from that snippet, I cannot handle the speakers, I manage only to change the volume of my application. If the speakers are at 0 or mute so I have no sound for the application. I already found some C source to me seems very complicated! Your help will be invaluable to me; I do not know how to do it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Speaker balance position is reset, if speaker volume minimized

    I am having a kind of solution for this but I cannot say this is the perfect solution for the problem that you are facing. I have tried this for solving the problem.

    Private Function SetVolume (ByVal volLeft As System.UInt16, _
    As System.UInt16 volRight ByVal) As Integer

    Sun flying ace System.UInt32 = (CType (volLeft, System.UInt32) And 65535) _
    Or (CType (volRight, System.UInt32) <<16)

    Select Case m_type
    Case DeviceTypes.Wave
    Return NativeMethods.waveOutSetVolume (m_hwo, theft)
    Case DeviceTypes.Aux
    Return NativeMethods.auxSetVolume (m_deviceID, theft)
    Case DeviceTypes.Midi
    Return NativeMethods.midiOutSetVolume (m_hwo, theft)
    End Select

    Return 0

    End Function
    I get an error with m_type, I do not understand where I assign the value. Similarly the NativeMethods, I do not know how to report it. If anyone can provide the report for that it can be really helpful for your problem as well as your problem.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Speaker balance position is reset, if speaker volume minimized

    Yes, but the problem is that I want to adjust the volume of the speakers directly. When I chose the ring wav, this is the volume of my application. What I want is to change the overall volume of my application because it depends directly on one of my speakers. Clearly I can reduce the sound of my application when my HP is 100% but I cannot watch the sound if my HP is at 0%. It should certainly choose another device that wav, but I do not know where and how to add? I still cannot change the volume of my speakers. In addition, I feel that to do so, I'll have to create more lines of code than the rest of my application. I think there is a code for the same type as the first one I posted. Yet I keep trying even if the use of the object "Mixers" (to attack the master) in does not look so easy. I am still in need of advice or new ideas for resolving this issue.

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