Here I have given you the steps by following which you can install the Linux on your windows machine. First of all mount your dos partition /dev/hdax in existing path /mnt/y by following command.
mount -t msdos /dev/hdax /mnt/y
Now create a file named as fedora.img which could be of 100 mb and it would be acting as a loop filesystem where bs is a blocksize.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/y/fedora.img bs=1024 count=102400
Now create a ext2 filesystem in it as follows and then press Y.
mkfs -t ext2 /mnt/y/fedora.img
Now create this filesystem in a newly created directory by :
mount in existing paths like /usr or /root etc !
and then "mkdir /root/test" and Add following lines
/dev/hdax /mnt/y msdos defaults
/mnt/y/fedora.img /root/test ext2 loop 0 0
to your /etc/fstab file. You can use the disk management tool in order to mount loop filesystem in /root/test. Hence your folder /root/test would be using windows partition instead of Linux space that you have to use for saving files of Linux.