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Thread: Unable to identify the hard drive volume?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Unable to identify the hard drive volume?

    Hello my friends I have got an issue with my hard drive , I will tell you that in detail my whole story, I had a n old desktop system, a slow intel Celeron processor, with 80 Gb hard dive and and 256 MB of RAM with no graphic card, so it was almost useless to me right now, so I changed everything except the monitor, got a AMD Phenom II processor @3.0Gz and new motherboard as wll from Asus, My hard drives is now of 500Gb . Everything works fine in my system , but I want convert my 500GB hard disk drive which is either NTFS or FAT32, but cannot identify? So if any body has any clue on it please do not feel shy and give your review as soon as you can.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Unable to identify the hard drive volume?

    First of all click on the start button on the desktop screen, (you have not mentioned your operating system so), choose Computer if having Windows Vista, or select My Computer if have got Windows XP or 2000, and you will have to choose the Windows Explorer if your system contains Windows Me or 98. Just move your mouse pointer and Right-click on the the icon of the drive of which you to check, then select properties , at that instant you will see a window , you will be able to see the format of disk , if the format is not mentioned there it has FAT16 format.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Unable to identify the hard drive volume?

    Let me tell you if you do not know I can make you familiar with some of FATT16 and FAT32 facts, the Partitions constructed under a FAT16 file system have comparatively less size and it will not exceed of 2,048 MB (2.1 GB). Microsoft was the company to support the FAT32 file system first of all the rest of the organizations and it was when the Windows 98 operating system was launched. So whenever you boot to the any windows operating system, this type of file system will appear on a Non DOS platform.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Unable to identify the hard drive volume?

    Since a very few people stick to those old operating system , I know a bit about the currently running operating system portioning, These partitions of FAT32 partitions and FAT32 partitions are abstract partitions which have a restricted storage capacity which cannot exceed more than 2 TB(Tera byte) size limitation of 2 terabytes (TB). So if you wish to create a partition , whose size exceeds 32 GB under Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 platform , you will have to either create more than 1 FAT32 files system partitions or format them under NTFS file system.

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