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Thread: Software components of Network Operating Systems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Software components of Network Operating Systems

    The network client software must be installed on the presented operating system in those operating systems that do not comprise computer network functions. Other operating systems such as Windows NT/2000, comprise the network operating system and computer operating system. Although these integrated systems have some advantages, not shun the use of other Network Operating System property is imperative to consider when setting interoperability platform network environments. It is said that the elements or components of the operating systems 'interoperable' when they can operate in different environments. For example, a NetWare server can interoperate (ie, access to resources) with NetWare servers and Windows NT/2000 servers. A network operating system:
    • Connect all computers and peripherals.
    • Coordinates the functions of all peripherals and equipment.
    • Provides security by controlling access to data and peripherals.
    The two main components of network software are:
    • The network software is installed on clients.
    • The network software is installed on servers.

  2. #2
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Software components of Network Operating Systems

    In an autonomous system when a user enters a command requesting the computer to perform a task, the request flows through the computer's local bus to the CPU itself. For example, if you see a directory listing of a local hard disks, the CPU interprets and executes the query and then displays the result of the directory listing in a window. However, in a networked environment, when a user initiates a request to use a resource that is on a server elsewhere on the network, the behavior is different. The request must be sent, or redirect, from the local bus to the network and from there to the server that has the requested resource. This shipment is carried out by the redirector. A redirector process sending requests. Depending on the network software, the redirector is called 'Shell' or 'generator requests. The redirector is a small section of code in a Network Operating System that:
    • Intercepts requests on the computer.
    • Determines whether the requests should continue in the local computer bus or be redirected through the network to another server
    The activity of the redirector is started on a client computer when the user generates the request for an application or network service. The user's computer is identified as a client, since you are making a request to a server. The redirector intercepts the request and sends it to the network. The server processes the requested connection by the client redirector and gives them access to the resources requested. In other words, the server services requested by the client.

  3. #3
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Software components of Network Operating Systems

    Normally, the operating system will provide different options to access the directory when you need access to a shared directory and have the permits to do so. For example, Windows NT/2000, you could use the icon Connect Network Drive Windows NT/2000 Explorer to connect to the network drive. You can also map a drive. The drive mapping is to assign a letter or name to a disk drive so that the operating system or server on the network can identify and locate. The redirector also tracks units designators associated with network resources. The redirector can send requests to the peripherals, as are sent to the shared directories. The request is redirected from the source computer and sent through the network to the appropriate destination. In this case, the destination is the print server for the requested printer. With the redirector, you can reference as LPT1 or COM1 network printers rather than local printers. The redirector intercepts any print job directed to LPT1 and sends it to the network printer specified. The use of the redirector allows users to not worry or current location of the data or peripherals or the complexity of the connection process or input. For example, to access data from a network computer, the user need only enter the unit designator assigned to the location of the resource and the redirector determines the current routing. The server software allows users on other machines, and client computers, to share data and server peripherals including printers, plotters and directories. If a user requests a directory listing of a shared remote hard disk. The redirector sends the network request is passed to the file server containing the shared directory. Granting the request and provides a list of directories.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Software components of Network Operating Systems

    Sharing is the term used to describe the resources that are publicly available to any user on the network. Most network operating systems allow not only sharing but also determine the degree of sharing. The options for sharing resources include:
    • Allow different users with different levels of access to resources.
    • Coordination of access to resources by ensuring that two users do not use the same resource at the same instant.

    For example, an office manager wants a network person acquainted with a certain document (file) so you can share the document. However, it controls access to the document sharing so that:
    • Some users can only read.
    • Some users may read and edit it.

    Network operating systems allow the network administrator to determine the persons or groups of people, who will be able to access network resources. The network administrator can use the Network Operating System:
    • Create user permissions, controlled by the network operating system, indicating who can use the network.
    • Assign or deny permissions to user on the network.
    • Delete users from the list of users who controls the network operating system.
    To simplify the task of managing users in a large network, the network operating system enables the creation of user groups. By the classification of individuals into groups, the administrator can assign permissions to the group. All group members will have the same permissions, assigned to the group as a unit. When you join the network a new user, the administrator can assign the new user to the appropriate group, with corresponding rights and permissions.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Software components of Network Operating Systems

    The network operating system determines these resources and how to share and access. In planning a network, the selection of network operating system can be simplified significantly, if first determines the network architecture (client / server or Workgroups) that best fits our needs. Often, this decision is based on the types of security that are considered more appropriate. The server-based networks allow you to include more opportunities for security that are available on a network Workgroups. On the other hand, when security is not a property to consider, may be more appropriate to a networked environment Workgroups. After identifying the needs of network security, the next step is to determine the types of interoperability required in the network to behave as a unit. Each network operating system considers the interoperability of different and, therefore, it is very important to remember our own need for interoperability when evaluating each Network Operating System If option Workgroups, diminish the security and interoperability options due to the limitations of this architecture. If the option is based on the use of a server, you must make future estimates to determine if interoperability is to be considered as a service on the network server or a client application on each computer connected to the network. Server-based interoperability is easier to manage because, like other services, centrally located. Client-based interoperability requires the installation and configuration on each computer. This means that interoperability is much harder to manage.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Software components of Network Operating Systems

    It is not uncommon to find both methods (a network service on the server and client applications on each computer) on the same network. For example, a NetWare server, often implemented with a service for Apple computers, while interoperability between Microsoft Windows networks is achieved by a network client application on each personal computer. When you select a network operating system, first determine the network services required. The standards include security services, file sharing, printing and shipping, additional services include interoperability support for connections to other operating systems. For any Network Operating System, it is necessary to determine interoperability services or network clients to deploy to best suit your needs. The NetWare network operating system consists of server and client applications. The client application is designed to run on an important variety of operating systems that reside on clients. The client users can access the application server from computers running MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows (versions 3.x, 95 and Windows 98 and NT), OS / 2, Apple Talk or UNIX. Often, NetWare is the option to use as the operating system on multiple operating systems environments mixed. NetWare version 3.2 is a Network Operating System that supports both 32-bit Windows (3.x, 95 and 98 and Windows NT), UNIX, Mac OS and MS-DOS. With NetWare version 4.11, also known IntranetWare, Novell introduced its new Network Operating System, the Novell Directory Services (NDS). Version 5, last released version, focuses on the integration of LAN, WAN, network applications, intranets and the Internet in a single global network.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2010

    Re: Software components of Network Operating Systems

    Through some simple commands, users can send a short message to other network users. Messages can be sent to groups or individually. If all receivers in the same group, it should send the message to the group rather than sending individually. Users can enable or disable this command for your workstation. When a user disables this command will not receive any message sent. The message can also be controlled through the control service messages (Message Handling Service - MHS). MHS can be installed on any server and configured as a fully interconnected messaging infrastructure for e-mail distribution. MHS program supports most common e-mail. You can not always achieve full interoperability in a Network Operating System is especially true when connecting two different networks, such as NetWare and Windows NT. NetWare environment, characterized by its directory services and Windows NT that works on the basis of a domain model, are essentially incompatible. To solve this problem, Windows NT NWLink and GSNW developed that allow you to interoperate. These services allow a server on a Windows NT network to act as a link to the NetWare network. Any station in the Windows NT network can request resources or services available on the NetWare network, but must make the request via the Windows NT server. Then the server will act as a client on the NetWare network, passing the requests between the two networks.

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