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Thread: Cannot attach the virtual hard disk to the virtual machine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Cannot attach the virtual hard disk to the virtual machine

    I have a VMware virtual machine that comes from planting. (Could not start the interface graph). I have some very important and confidential files stored on the hard disk virtual Linux. Is it possible to create a new virtual machine and add the old hard drive, so that i can retrieve my files. I tried to attach it but i am unable to attach the virtual hard disk to the virtual machine. Need help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Cannot attach the virtual hard disk to the virtual machine

    This is very simple you just have to throw a live cd iso and then you need to collect the files by copying them to a shared directory of your engineered "real" hard drive. This will help you to attach and fetch all the data on you hard drive also if this is not the case then simply use an other application other than the VMware like the Virtual PC.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Cannot attach the virtual hard disk to the virtual machine

    Yes, I made this blunder in the Settings window drives VMware Fusion. Obviously, my virtual machine will no longer boot into BootCamp partition question (Which is actually an external drive on which Windows XP is installed). It seems that this is related to that file. Vmdk has been deleted (or at least is gone) of the disk in question. How do I revive my virtual machine? Or should I install another? In this case, should I remove the existing machine?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Cannot attach the virtual hard disk to the virtual machine

    Look at the side of the tool "vmware-rawdiskCreator" (/ Library / Application Support / VMware Fusion / vmware-rawdiskCreator). It should allow you to create a file. Vmdk which enables you to access your external drive.

    The command should be like:

    / Library / Application Support / VMware Fusion / vmware-rawdiskCreator create / dev / diskX Y ~ / Documents / Virtual \ Machines.localized / ide my_usb_xp_disk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Cannot attach the virtual hard disk to the virtual machine

    I think you need to change "/ dev / diskX" by the USB disk, and Y by the number of partitions to which you wish to access. Then you add a new disk in your VM, you chose to use an existing drive, and you point to the file "my_usb_xp_disk.vmdk" created by this tool (free of you to call and / or place this file differently.

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