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Thread: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    I am having Windows 7 on my computer system and I am currently running on network with more than three client machines, some are having windows vista and the others are having windows XP. The server we are using is windows 2000. The thing is that I am trying to map some folder on network, and it is connecting properly but after a while connection is lost. I have tried this thing many times but, I am getting same result. I am unable to understand the cause of the problem but need the solution for the same.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    If I am not wrong the problem you are facing that is you are able to connect to network but after a while it is disconnecting. The reason for this is the problem in the network security. To be more precise LAN manager authentication level. The policy you need is
    “Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\Network security: LAN Manager authentication level”
    For solving the problem you just need to change the “Send LM and NTLM in that place you have to use NTLMv2”
    The other setting that you will require to do is in windows 7. Open the registry window and then search for the registry key
    After that you have to create the DWORD key below LSA and then you have set:
    Name: LmCompatibilityLevel
    Value: 1
    The final step is to reboot the system. I am sure that you will able to solve the problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    I very often lost network at work and want to know how to solve them. Loss of network I speak of the favorites going into networks, to enter the local domain and no longer see any pc at this level when there are five minutes I saw them. I have a windows 2000 server small business and client machines under windows 7.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    Verifies that the primary DNS of your posts is the server which is domain controller, otherwise, the browser is a horror that "loses" regulieremement positions in the neighborhood networks: offers you shortcuts and network drives map network drives on a server is the only serious way of working. It is absurd to look for files. In the random, sure we can hardly do better and makes daily backups?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    Unless I plant we have on the server a dns and dhcp server, so that my machine did not need to manage the IP address, it automatically points. The problem is that this solution will not satisfy my boss. Is this a memory problem on the server or the problem of a router, switch or something similar to that? Possible but the problem is random on the network, it can fall on any pc). If you have any solution for the problem then let me know about that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    I do not think he will agree to do, even if it is true that it is more convenient. It is better to create shortcuts or mapped drives networks is much faster and reliable. The problem is that we have a lot of records, (no less than four partitions on the server itself) and more than ten per cent over the network. Soon we will change the server for a more powerful, I assume that since you say that Windows is not stable, it will not change slows down the rendering? 2003 server will be installed on it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    The problem is with the client not the server windows. So, change the server does not change anything beside. "I do not think he will agree to do, even if it's true that it is more convenient." I work in Customer and performance-minded people must use what you recommend. Otherwise, it must be done to send the documents on a shared file server or position. "Problem is that we have a lot of records, (no less than four partitions on the server itself) and over a dozen PC on the network." Take advantage of the move to server 2003 so that ALL can be found on the server. Including what is locally Posts (Uses sync documents for example): AC enables you to have a centralized backup.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    Hey guys,


    User's get disconnected randomly throughout the day from their network drives and printers. After a reboot everything is fine again, until they are disconnected again.

    Background of Network:

    I currently just purchased a new T610 from Delll and I'm running Server 2008 R2. It is the domain controller as well it does all the file management. I have 6 drives one of which is setup to soley do backups. The other drives are for 4 seperate deptartments.

    All of the drives have NTFS permissions specific to the department/user.

    The server's event log states that there is an svr error and that the network configuration is wrong, but I've also had this setup for the past 3 months and nothing until now has been a problem.

    If anyone knows what's going on that would be great!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    Hi whyte boy,

    I also had to face similar kind of problem that you have and the issue of course is that the Home versions can't join the domain so in turn they can't authenticate. However, like you've been doing, you can use a domain user's credentials to authenticate and then print. The way I dealt with this at work was to create a script the would authenticate as a domain user whenever it was connected to the network at the office. That way it was transparent to the user. So a logon script I think would be a best idea.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    I thought about that as well, also I've thought about this but instead adding to the existing logon script. Just by adding to line one of the *.bat file:

    net config server /autodisconnect:-1

    Seems to be working on the one computer here I've been waiting for it to crap out before I apply it to all the machines.

    How did you do your script?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    When all of the users are logging into a domain, you could create a login script that will map the drive for them each time they log into the domain.

    net use f: /DELETE
    net use f: \\servername\drivepath

    The first statement should delete the mapped drive and the second should recreate the mapped drive. It is deleted first to make sure the mapped drive is there and available when it is recreated. This would eliminate problems of it not connecting sometimes.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Loss of mapped drive, networked drive disconnects

    my logon script looks like this...

    net config server /autodisconnect:-1
    net use /delete * /y
    net use A: \\SERVER\Admin
    net use S: \\SERVER\Safety
    net use P: \\SERVER\Public
    net use M: \\SERVER\Management

    REM Add printer
    echo Installing [printer name] on [servername]!
    RunDll32.EXE printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n \\server\CanonC5030

    echo Your default printer is [CanonC5030] on [SERVER]
    REM Set Default Printer
    RunDll32.EXE printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n \\SERVER\CanonC5030

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