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Thread: Antivirus shows virus in pen drive,although there is no virus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Antivirus shows virus in pen drive,although there is no virus

    i'm using Avast antivirus. it is working properly and updating itself regularly. but there is a problem(or may be not) that it shows virus whenever i insert pen drive in my PC.Every time i delete this virus or Move it to the chest of antivirus(later i delete it from the chest), it again appears. When i remove the pendrive it disappears.
    many times i've inserted no virus pendrive but it shows "same virus" in those pendrives also.
    now what should i do to completely remove the virus. i've attached an image, having Virus Info.please suggest me. thanks.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Antivirus shows virus in pen drive,although there is no virus

    If the configuration of your operating system (Windows) you did not disable the autostart feature for USB then most USB inserted in the drive automatically load an installer or other software content from it. This is made possible by a very small file that is located on the USB named autorun.inf. You will have to disable that. For that click on run > regedit. Go to - [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer]>. In this create a new file by right clicking and give name disables autorun.reg. Reboot your pc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Antivirus shows virus in pen drive,although there is no virus

    Try some other antivirus scanners like iKill which is a Virus Removal Tools expecially from the pen drives. iKill prevents Virus spreading through removable drives. It works by scanning the drives for the presence of removable drives. If found, it parses the autorun.inf file for the executables it may run. If AutoProtect is enabled,it will automatically delete the files present on the drive. Otherwise, it will prompt you for your permission to delete the virus. Version 2.1 is a bug fixing release. Download it from here.

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