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Thread: Installing backtrack 4 final on a partition other than C: or windows partition

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Installing backtrack 4 final on a partition other than C: or windows partition

    I wanted to use the backtrack 4 and downloaded the same. I wanted to install the this on the same in Windows partition where i have already running the Windows. But i have no idea about how to install the both in the same partition. So help for Installing backtrack 4 final on a partition other than C: or windows partition. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Dr. V Guest

    Re: Installing backtrack 4 final on a partition other than C: or windows partition

    I think there might be a solution for the same as the Dual boot that will create the to OS boot with the same partition. So if you want to know about the same then i will advise you to have a look on the link which are given below and having the same discussion as you are asking about. I hope that you will like the same.
    BackTrack 4 Dual boot Install
    Installing Backtrack with Windows

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Installing backtrack 4 final on a partition other than C: or windows partition

    There is another option in which you can install the Backtrack on the Hard drive which will boot the backtrack with the help of the hard drive. For that you have to go through a link which is having the same discussion which i think can help0 you to understand the same and work with it. Here is the link for the same.
    Boot Backtrack 4 pre final on HDD (without install)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Installing backtrack 4 final on a partition other than C: or windows partition

    Hey there, I had the same issue as it this post is based on and after going through the lots of the trouble finally i have got the solution here. I have checked that the reply of the Dolsy_bendal is working for me. I have followed the step properly that ids given in the link now i can run the backtrack from the computer without installing the same.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Installing backtrack 4 final on a partition other than C: or windows partition

    Here is one more trick which might help you for the issue that you are going through. So check the below given step for the same.
    Boot the machine with Backtrack
    • Type StartX in the console
    • Double click on
    • Run the ubiquity command
    • Select the location and click on Forward
    • Now configure the partition on next screen
    • Click on Install
    • Restart the system
    • Thats it!!!!!!

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