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Thread: Using Windows 7 as a web server

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Using Windows 7 as a web server

    Hi all,

    I am using Apache tomcat as a web server. Now i am installing windows 7 in my server PC. Can i use Windows 7 as a web server. Please suggest. My server PC configuration is i3 Processor and 4GB RAM. Please update. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Using Windows 7 as a web server

    In Windows7 on the IIS system as an integrated system functions well in advance, so the discovery is not in use IIS you can just add a system function. But on Windows XP and Vista system are not on the IIS system integration. If you need to use need to install from the system tray. For Microsoft Windows 7 personal feeling is that the training user habits intentionally or unintentionally. but I personally used to use XP or Vista operating system experience to use Windows7. I believe many people as well. This is Windows 7 increase in operating our system that has some unknown number of concerns. Google operating system will end in 2010, listing years ago I read about some of the Google operating system, special design, in which ordinary users will not be able to have temporarily Some of Google operating system installed on your computer, need to purchase a special operating system pre-installed Google Internet this equipment. Check and reply.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Using Windows 7 as a web server

    For successful installation for IIS, after click "Start" menu -> in the "Programs" to find -> "Administrative Tools" item -> points to open you can see "IIS Manager" item, Click the "IIS Manager" you can see the IIS 7 interface. Windows 7 IIS 7 inside control interface is not it more humane and intuitive. Users can easily complete the operation of the work related activities. Users can use the IIS 7 Manager's intuitive user interface easily add sites. Upon completion of these operations, in order to ensure the smooth installation of IIS 7 is also a real need for a final inspection test - test running IIS, which for the next user on the local computer for remote site management plays a vital role. Specific steps is very simple: open IE , enter http://localhost. All the best.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Using Windows 7 as a web server

    File name of any other laws, such as. Xsl (eXtensible Style Sheets), you can use the same process to join. In the ASP page declares a MIME type when the network server to a browser returns a file, it sends OK to return to the type of message content. When the ASP application to generate not only HTML content, it must use the Response object's Content Type property declares a MIME type / subtype. For example, when using dynamically generated XML, ASP, XML MIME types / sub-type must be declared in the ASP itself. Response object's Content Type property used to indicate the output is XML, the code is as follows: <% Response.C%> IIS in MIME format, sorting by file name attached to the following table lists the attachments by file name sort of MIME content type. These types are in IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0 in attention.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Using Windows 7 as a web server

    You need to install Windows features menu, pay attention to selected items, we need to manually select the desired function, this picture below to install the service to have been chosen, we can check the function in accordance with image. Third, the installation is complete, re-enter the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools, double-click the Internet (IIS) Manager option, into the IIS settings. You will now move to IIS7 control panel. select Default WebSite, and double-click the ASP option. IIS7 in ASP is not enabled parent paths, the path to open the parent, choose True, buttoned Parent Paths option. configure IIS7 site. Click the Advanced Settings option on the right, you can set the site's directory. All the best.

  6. #6
    Dr. V Guest

    Re: Using Windows 7 as a web server

    Windows System 7 built-in Internet Information Services (IIS) on the ASP has a good support, debug ASP pages in IIS is very convenient. But some friends of web programming with PHP, by default, IIS does not support PHP, and manual configuration of IIS, PHP debugging environment for those of us rookie is very difficult, then how to get IIS supports PHP then? Here are a way of simply a few steps can be configured in the IIS in the PHP debugging environment. All the best.

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