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Thread: How to identifying a Product in a Mac OS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    How to identifying a Product in a Mac OS?

    Hi there, i am having an Mac Operating system installed in my desktop computer. Now i am planning to upgrade my PC and want to know about my system so that the upgradation of it will become easy. So if any one knows about How to identifying a Product in a Mac OS? then please let me know about the same. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: How to identifying a Product in a Mac OS?

    The Graphic aspect of your system can be verified with the help of the software or the inspection of the same. This is very easy to recognize the system graphic product through the software inspection. If you are still unable to view the graphic detail or the product detail of your system then you need to add the visual inspection for the same. There are lots of tools available for the same use anything to work with it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to identifying a Product in a Mac OS?

    In a Mac OS based system, the best way to identify a product is by using ATI Displays. If you do not have ATI Displays installed you can download it.

    Once ATI Displays is installed follow the directions below:

    1. Launch the ATI Displays utility. You should see the name of your product in the heading.
    2. For more detailed information, click on the Profile tab which will contain important information such as the ROM number which is often used by ATI Customer Care to identify a product (see figure 1).
    3. Further information can be determined about your product by investigating the various options available within the ATI Displays utility.

    With the ROM number you can also use ATI’s lookup utility to obtain a description of your product.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: How to identifying a Product in a Mac OS?

    If you are using the Mac OS and want to know about the system that are installed in the Mac operating system then you have to go to the Apple menu and from there you can get the information of the same. The Apple icon menu have the About This mac menu item on clicking which will display the information about the same. Hope you like it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to identifying a Product in a Mac OS?

    Here i am attaching a recipe which uses the system_profiler application to get all the information about the Mac OS. I have used it and liked it most so that is why i am forwarding the same to you. Hope that you will like and get the complete information about the system . So download it and then use as per your need.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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