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Thread: Disable memory dump in Windows Vista

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Disable memory dump in Windows Vista

    I have installed Windows Vista in a system which is already running on Windows XP. The operating system is first a trial version for testing. I want to upgrade to Vista but the problem is that it crashing continuously. Is there a way to disable the memory dump in case of crash. Everyone is familiar with the search box of Vista. I want the old Run Box which we use in Windows XP. Where can I download the same. I want to reduce the sound of a particular application in Vista. What is the record Windows.old refer to. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Disable memory dump in Windows Vista

    This is common when you get a message after Windows had recovered from a serious error and generats a report in the minidump file. In case of a serious error Windows write a file and copy information about the crash in that. ses of serious error, wrote in a Windows file a copy of information stored there. The memory dump is used to determine that what would be cause of crash. This dump is generated when a big problem occurred and is therefore unnecessary for 99% of system resource to cope with.To disable, click the Start menu and then make a right-click the desktop and click properties. In the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, click Settings in the combobox and write debugging information, select none. Then click OK twice. Reboot your system back again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Disable memory dump in Windows Vista

    In Windows Vista, the Run box is no longer visible and it is replaced by a search bar that can also execute the same files which RUN can do . However, you can make the box re-appear. Just right click on the taskbar > choose properties from the the start menu. In the Start Menu tab now click on Customize, scroll down and check Run command (Run Command). The windows.old is a folder which is used when Windows Vista is installed over an old OS like Windows XP (Update). In this folder are backed up the previous settings such as personal files, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Disable memory dump in Windows Vista

    With Windows Vista, it is possible to reduce the sound of the application that you dislike. Consider an example: you have two programs, a media player that plays music and an alert program that trigger an audible alert. The problem is that the alert may be covered by the sound of music. You just need to reduce the sound of music player, which will now be below the noise of the alarm. For this purpose in the task bar, right click on the sound icon and open the Volume Mixer. Here you can change the sound options.

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