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Thread: A patch is preventing the system from starting. An update to the operating system was installed prior to the startup failure.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    A patch is preventing the system from starting. An update to the operating system was installed prior to the startup failure.

    Hi guys,

    I am newly started on this forum and have seen a similar problem to my own although this is slightly different as my computer will not start up at all now.

    I hadnt been online on my laptop for a couple of days and today when I went to switch it off I noticed it was installing updates. Now when I try to switch on the first time it stays forever (i.e. 15 minutes) on the black screen with loading picture that you get when windows begins so i take out the battery and then replace. After this i turn on and it goes to startup repair, i follow instructions and all tests return test sucessful error 0x0. The problem according to it is 'a patch is preventing the system from starting. An update to the system was installed prior to the startup failure'

    Next it tells me to go through system restore which i do only for nothing to happen when it restarts it is back to square one so as before i take the battery out start again and the same sequence of events occurs.

    There is no new software installed today and i did not switch off before the updates stopped so im not too sure what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: A patch is preventing the system from starting. An update to the operating system was installed prior to the startup failure.

    Many users facing same problem with vista while upgrading , the problem error 0x0 is might be due to hardware and software conflict now you can only do is system restore or just new clean install i have search on Microsoft forums i didnt found solution to it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: A patch is preventing the system from starting. An update to the operating system was installed prior to the startup failure.

    Have you installed all the latest drivers and Windows Updates on your machine? Startup Repair is a tool that automates common diagnostic and repair tasks of unbootable Windows Vista installations. If the computer fails over into Windows RE because of a detected boot failure, Startup Repair launches automatically.From this it would seem the hard disk has failed or been damaged. If its in warranty, try to replace it, even if its not in warranty, it can be replaced.

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