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Thread: Minimum size for root partition and home partition for ubuntu

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Minimum size for root partition and home partition for ubuntu

    I am going to install Ubuntu 9.04 on my windows box and for using Ubuntu i have a 40Gigs IDE hard disk. Well i am not too much familiar as i've used ubuntu at a friends place for a couple of times and i like its GUI. I have a question and hoping you guys could help me with it. What should be the Minimum size for root partition and home partition for ubuntu? I don't want to end up installing Ubuntu which will run out of space on the next day itself...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Minimum size for root partition and home partition for ubuntu

    What will you be using with Ubuntu? Are you going to use it as a server machine or any other specific work? Or you will be using Ubuntu just for trying it out and checking its feature and all the normal stuffs...? Well the size of any partition would depend on the nature of work would be doing with it... Post back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Minimum size for root partition and home partition for ubuntu

    The minimum Hard disk space required by Ubuntu Operating System for the default packages to install or as mentioned in its specification is 4GB. But this size is the least you should have so that the installation can take place. But you always need more space as you may install new software, create more data and copy multimedia files, etc. Well as Fame said, Its up to you to assign the disk space to any partition....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Minimum size for root partition and home partition for ubuntu

    Yeah, thats right, you can assign disk space to the partition according to yours needs. Along with these partition, do not forget to create a 1GB or 2GB partition for swap. This may not always be necessary but you need it too...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Minimum size for root partition and home partition for ubuntu

    Thanks a lot for your valuable replies. I will be using my home partition for my multimedia collection and root partition for installation of the OS and some softwares. I got an idea of how i should assign the space to the partitions. Thanks again...

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