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Thread: Can't find Hard drives on Disk Managment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Can't find Hard drives on Disk Managment

    Hello everybody

    I have 3 internal and 1 external hard drives connected to my computer and i know that my hard drives is working fine.but the problem is that it is no longer there in my Disk Management,but it show up in My Computer and Device Manager. The DVD/CD drives I have installed do, but none of the hard drives.i recently made an attempt to disable an old boot drive. After doing so in device manager, restarted to see everything in fatal. I finally had to start with "Last known configuration that worked", which invites me in this situation.please help me
    Any help would be much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Can't find Hard drives on Disk Managment

    Run the application to confirm the drive is working fine and it will be recognized. the software is vital with a new hard drive unless it is a OEM drive.Have you tried to either update or reinstall the chipset drivers for your computer.if else do it and see the difference..

  3. #3
    Dr. V Guest

    Re: Can't find Hard drives on Disk Managment

    It seems the chipset drivers also installs the USB drivers, so a reinstall or an update might fix the problem. Just a suggestion though, not
    sure if it will work.use the Hard Disk Manager cloning function.change the cluster size on a drive. Bare drives are delivered empty, i.e. without any structure on them.You can check whether the drive itself shows up in the system component view.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Can't find Hard drives on Disk Managment

    Are you sure that your hard drive is working or not? Have you partitioned and formatted the new drive? any i have a nice troubleshooting opinion for you disconnect all of your hard disks, and connect them one-by-one, starting with your current boot disk. then after that, connect the next disk, and so on and so forth.

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