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Thread: search for right file path if exist on Dos

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    search for right file path if exist on Dos

    On my DOS,I have a command ran from a file with arguments but bizarrely the drive path is likely wrong but the folder seems to be path is right.

    but i doubt If it, because am i able to browse the drives for the right drive path, same time i can update it . I would just need to update c:\ to e:\ in the file

    any thoughts??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: search for right file path if exist on Dos

    If you are not able to check for the existence of a directory, need to do check for a file within the directory... fortunately you can plug in the DOS constant NUL with the same results...

    If exist c:\nul you would need to do to get your batch working is change the plain old r: to r:\nul

    good luck...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: search for right file path if exist on Dos

    This xp batch file which I am trying to make work in 4dos
    It gets a variable of a complete path of a file and then converts it
    into only the path and then changes into that folder.
    set path=z:\boot\xosl115\xosl\install.exe
    FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%G IN ("%path%") DO SET X=%%~dpG
    echo %x%
    cd/d %x%
    4DOS is a super set of COMMAND.COM, 4NT/TCC is a superset of CMD.EXE. the syntax is CMD.

    cdd %@path[%@full[filename]]


  4. #4
    Dr. V Guest

    Re: search for right file path if exist on Dos

    Windows Vista you copy a file or folder's path to the Clipboard. hold down the Shift key and right-click a file or folder in Explorer"Copy as Path" when you see the option. Select it and the complete file path will be in the Clipboard, ready for pasting virtually anywhere. The path allows you to paste on a DOS command box...

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