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Thread: Can't access Windows XP without permissions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    angry Can't access Windows XP without permissions

    Hey Everyone,

    I'm unable to access my Windows Xp on my system. Whenever i try to access it prompts me that I need Admin rights to access it. When i try to access it with the following credentials needed, my Windows 7 fails to find out the other Operating system. Can any body tell me that how do i access my Windows Xp on my system? Does any body have any idea about it? Any information on this issue would be appreciated.

    Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Can't access Windows XP without permissions

    To restrict access to files or folders:

    • Create user accounts on the computer that is sharing the files. Create a user account and password for each person you want to be able to access files—whether they will access the files from their own account on the same computer or from another computer on the network. If you create the accounts using each user’s existing network logon username and password, the file-sharing computer will recognize the users when they connect and will not prompt them for a password.

    • Remove administrator access to your files. By default, only your user account and any user with a Computer Administrator account can access your files. To further limit access to your files and folders, you can remove administrator access.

    • Add file and folder permissions if you want to grant other users access to your files—whether they will access on the same computer with their own accounts or from another computer across the network.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Can't access Windows XP without permissions

    To set permissions on Windows XP:

    1. Select Start Settings Control Panel.

    2. In the Control Panel, open Administrative Tools.

    3. In Administrative Tools, open Local Security Policy.

    4. In the Local Security Settings window, expand the tree for Local Policies and select User Rights Assignment.

    5. Right-click the required user right, and select Properties. The appropriate properties window appears (for example, Log on as a batch job ).

    6. To add permissions:

    1. Click Add User or Group. The software opens the Select Users or Groups window.

    2. Specify the user ID that requires this permission.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Click Apply then OK to save your changes and close the Properties window.

    7. When you are finished, restart the machine so that the updates will take effect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Can't access Windows XP without permissions

    Permissions Manager is a software supplies GUI to manage security settings of files and folders. This GUI is quite different than generic Windows security dialog. It allows creating predefined sets of access control entries (presets) and applying these presets to file system objects. With Permissions Manager user does not need to pick up security principals from the list to assign security settings for a file or folder. It is enough to compose a preset only once and then apply it with a single click.

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